This project contains Dockerfiles that power
-- my personal website.
I want to share my ideas and designs about Web-Deploying using Docker with you.
The whole app is divided into four Containers:
- Nginx is running in
Container. Recieves requests from Clients then respond. - My App business-logic code and scripts is located at
Container. It just stores php scripts and static files. - PHP or PHP-FPM is put in
Container, it fetches php scripts fromWWW
then interpretes and executes them, making response to Nginx Server. If necessary, it will connect toMySQL
server as well. - Considering the flexibility and security,
server must be independent of other containers.
At first, you should have had Docker installed.
# Add https(SSL) support
# before build the Nginx Image , you should put your server.crt(or server.pem) , server.key to ./ca folder
# build Nginx Image
$ sudo docker build --tag sndnvaps/nginx -f nginx/Dockerfile .
# build PHP-FPM Image
$ sudo docker build --tag sndnvaps/php-fpm -f php-fpm/Dockerfile .
# build WWW Image
$ sudo docker build --tag sndnvaps/www -f www/Dockerfile .
# pull MySQL Official Image
$ sudo docker pull mysql:latest
You must run the contaners in the following sequence:
- MySQL Container
- WWW Container
- PHP-FPM Container
- Nginx Container
The first two of which can be exchanged.
# Run MySQL Container
Mounting the database file volume
In order to persist the database data, you can mount a local folder from the host on the container to store the database files. To do so:
docker run -d -p 5003:3306 --name mysql_datavolume -v /path/in/host:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="you_password_here" -d mysql /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql"
This will mount the local folder /path/in/host inside the docker in /var/lib/mysql (where MySQL will store the database files by default). mysqld --initialize --user=mysql creates the initial database structure.
Remember that this will mean that your host must have /path/in/host available when you run your docker image!
After this you can start your MySQL image, but this time using /path/in/host as the database folder:
# not mount the data_volume from host
$ sudo docker run --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql
# see
# Run WWW Container
# enable sshd for ssh connect
# connect ->$ ssh admin@localhost -p 5001
$ sudo docker run --name www -p 5001:22 -d sndnvaps/www
# Run PHP-FPM Container
$ sudo docker run --name php-fpm --volumes-from www --link mysql:mysql -d sndnvaps/php-fpm
# see
# Run Nginx Container
# enable sshd for ssh connect
# connect ->$ ssh admin@localhost -p 5002
$ sudo docker run --name nginx -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 5002:22 --volumes-from www --link php-fpm:fpmservice -d sndnvaps/nginx
# see
You must stop the contaners in the following sequence:
Nginx Container
PHP-FPM Container
WWW Container
MySQL Container
$ docker ps
root@sn-WorkStation:/opt/docker-lnmp# docker ps
93a5574fa67a sndnvaps/nginx:latest "nginx -g 'daemon of 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp nginx
4d6690e1bc39 sndnvaps/php-fpm:latest "php-fpm" 23 seconds ago Up 22 seconds 9000/tcp php-fpm
1cd4d1fd86b8 sndnvaps/www:latest "/bin/sh -c / 41 seconds ago Up 40 seconds www
76d8d9fb5136 mysql:latest "docker-entrypoint.s About a minute ago Up About a minute>3306/tcp mysql
# stop the container one by one
# stop Nginx Container
$ docker stop 93a5574fa67a
# stop PHP-FPM Container
$ docker stop 4d6690e1bc39
# stop WWW Container
$ docker stop 1cd4d1fd86b8
# stop MySQL Container
$ docker stop 76d8d9fb5136
Have fun!
Micooz sndnvaps