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# 1.0.0 (2024-01-15) ### Bug Fixes * check for empty schemaPaths flag ([f73dc29](f73dc29)) * **clone-git-repository:** add missing param and remove await ([4695e60](4695e60)), closes [#18]( * **clone-repo:** remove waitUserInput function ([65bbe76](65bbe76)) * improve user messages ([6d4b0b9](6d4b0b9)) * path to save .apimockrc file ([d859692](d859692)) * skipping if has a no OAS file ([a6c3456](a6c3456)) * solve build types errors ([bf3de52](bf3de52)) * solve error on colours import ([4229a59](4229a59)) * solve error with absolute paths ([80b83ce](80b83ce)), closes [#30]( * unhandled promise ([47920ee](47920ee)) * use path join to compose paths ([b997f35](b997f35)) * wait promise to negate ([b359576](b359576)) ### Features * **.gitignore:** add config file ([ef06c0d](ef06c0d)) * 16-error-control ([5784fe0](5784fe0)) * add basic cli functionality with inquirer ([341e61f](341e61f)) * add commander ([c9377b5](c9377b5)) * add commander ([d8f0247](d8f0247)) * add example.js ([7ccf8dc](7ccf8dc)) * add function to search ([24d9256](24d9256)) * add initial command tool options ([b6623b7](b6623b7)) * add inquirer checkbox validation ([aefbf3d](aefbf3d)), closes [#31]( * add logger ([25a12a3](25a12a3)) * add ssh git clone functionality ([ee09f2d](ee09f2d)) * add to main ([43609fc](43609fc)) * add to utils ([2bf2841](2bf2841)) * check if origin folder exists ([79e85a2](79e85a2)) * **cli:** add RC file validation ([766ea23](766ea23)), closes [#5](#5) [#10]( * **cli:** handle remote and local repositories ([0838fbc](0838fbc)), closes [#5](#5) [#10]( * **cli:** validate local or remote regex ([58bbb07](58bbb07)), closes [#5](#5) [#10]( * control openapi schema not found ([bb8d4d7](bb8d4d7)), closes [#16]( [#22]( * **core:** add ability to select multiple schemas ([4e1f97f](4e1f97f)), closes [#8]( * **core:** add function to overwrite a file ([4fffffd](4fffffd)) * **core:** change user flow ([8ef890e](8ef890e)) * find yamls from a dir ([367edbd](367edbd)) * init repo ([251b802](251b802)) * **inputs:** add origin and port validators ([3cdf5eb](3cdf5eb)) * **main:** connect input with clone repo function ([8590aa9](8590aa9)), closes [#5](#5) * prepare to MVP ([de370c7](de370c7)) * read just the first line ([321db7e](321db7e)) * **services:** add function to search oas non recursively ([32244e0](32244e0)), closes [#20]( * **services:** add multiple mock servers functionality ([92d55d5](92d55d5)), closes [#8]( * try in index ([c80e6f8](c80e6f8)) * update addToGitignore functionality ([4389ce7](4389ce7)), closes [#21](
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