This repository builds a JupyterHub environment with Repo2Docker GitHub Actions CI
build with GitHub Actions simply by pushing to GitHub
- pull requests trigger image building without pushing to DockerHub
git clone
cd docker-image
git checkout dev
# make sure dev branch is up-to-date with master
git merge master
# modify environment.yml or other files in binder/
git commit -a -m "modified binder/environment to my liking"
git push
# go to and create a pull request to merge dev changes into master
- PRs trigger re-building image
- Commits to master build image and push to DockerHub tagged by github commit sha and 'latest'
docker pull uwhackweek/snowex:latest
docker run -it --name HACKWEEK -p 8888:8888 uwhackweek/snowex:latest jupyter lab --ip
docker stop HACKWEEK
docker rm HACKWEEK
(image: uwhackweek/snowex:eb19306d469b)