Adds a 'Date and Time Picker' field type for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin.
ACF PRO 5.+ is no longer supported, ACF PRO has its own date and time picker
This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin, that allows you to add a Date and Time Picker field type.
This add-on will work with ACF 3 and 4
This add-on can be treated as both a WP plugin and a theme include. The plugin is also available from the WordPress plugin directory
Install as Plugin
- Copy the 'acf-date_time_picker' folder into your plugins folder
- Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page
Include within theme
- Copy the 'acf-date_time_picker' folder into your theme folder (can use sub folders). You can place the folder anywhere inside the 'wp-content' directory
- Edit your functions.php file and add the code below (Make sure the path is correct to include the acf-date_time_picker.php file)
add_action('acf/register_fields', 'my_register_fields');
function my_register_fields()
I got this quetion over at AWP on Facebook:
How does upgrading work? If someone starts with ACF and your plugin, then upgrades to ACF Pro, will their date/time custom field disappear? I understand the data will be maintained but wondering if the field will still be visible in WP admin.
Updating to ACF PRO should work fine, ACF PRO has a compatibility add-on for this plugin, but test it on a non production environment first.
Also, read the comments on this issue:
How do I set the date and time format?
To set the date and time format when you create the field, you have to create a string using the letters below.
d day of month (no leading zero)
dd day of month (two digit)
o day of the year (no leading zeros)
oo day of the year (three digit)
D day name short
DD day name long
m month of year (no leading zero)
mm month of year (two digit)
M month name short
MM month name long
y year (two digit)
yy year (four digit)
H Hour with no leading 0 (24 hour)
HH Hour with leading 0 (24 hour)
h Hour with no leading 0 (12 hour)
hh Hour with leading 0 (12 hour)
m Minute with no leading 0
mm Minute with leading 0
s Second with no leading 0
ss Second with leading 0
l Milliseconds always with leading 0
t a or p for AM/PM
T A or P for AM/PM
tt am or pm for AM/PM
TT AM or PM for AM/PM
: 2013-04-12HH:mm
: 24 hour clock, with a leading 0 for hour and minuteh:m tt
: 12 hour clock with am/pm, no leading 0
Please see