This flake contains a NixOS module that adds PipeWire profiles and udev rules allowing a Razer Nari headset to be recognized properly.
This does not work on other operating systems. This is not compatible with home-manager.
This only works with PipeWire + WirePlumber. This is the default audio stack on NixOS.
Add this repo to your system flake inputs and then import its default NixOS module.
inputs = {
nari.url = "github:sodiboo/nixos-razer-nari";
outputs = { nixpkgs, nari, ... }: { = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
There are no other outputs. There are no additional options.
This flake is fairly small. You should be able to read and fully understand the flake.nix
in this repo.