.Net Core Identity Stores using Marten
The users and roles stores are tested by using the offical Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.Specification.Tests packages. Have a look at the Marten.AspNetCore.Identity.Tests project. To run the tests you should have docker installed. A PostgreSQL image will be automatically downloaded and used during the test.
This repository has a small example project which setup the Microsoft Identity to use this package.
Add this package to your project.
While adding the default Marten support, you should configure the MartenIdentityUser and MartenIdentityRole entities:
builder.Services.AddMarten(options =>
// Configure the MartenIdentityUser and MartenIdentityRole mappings
if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
options.AutoCreateSchemaObjects = AutoCreate.All;
- Add the MartenIdentityStores
- Configure the default identity to be MartenIdentityUser.