- 2024-11-24
- Add new document template plugins (#7836)
- Feat openemr b11 7742 decision support interventions (#7743)
- Fix New Documents patient select for actions. (#7812)
- Portal Settings card Default Signature leaves backdrop on save close. (#7835)
- Portal Theme Resets to core theme. (#7800)
- Update Office Notes (#7811)
- Patient Portal with no procedures throws error on viewing Customized Medical History Report (#7814)
- cannot delete from address book when username is null (#7805)
- cannot view fee sheet items if billing.billed is null (#7807)
- prior auth module broken patient report link (#7803)
- report pdf error with faxsms module installed (#7793)
- Clinical Decisions Rule review screen has invalid CSRF class used (#7832) - 2024-10-25
- Change Patient Portal Layout to use tile format for mobile friendly design (#7609)
- Change Patient Portal Request New Appointment Openings Label to See Availability (#7654)
- Convert portal_patient_report.php file to use twig template for module writers to extend (#7707)
- Improve Portal Credential Settings page for patients (#7650)
- Improve asset config to support html script tags of type module for javascript module support (#7698)
- Improve patient and clinician message user interface (#7648)
- Patient Portal Download Medical Record Documents make file path easier to distinguish and download help message. (#7660)
- Patient Portal allow new appointments to choose dates in localized format (#7608)
- Patient portal demographics make save action mobile friendly (#7656)
- Patient portal show single page app page title when page navigation changes (#7646)
- Portal appointments request should not allow No Show appointment type to be selected (#7640)
- Prescription Email Feature (#7480)
- Send Prescription Email using Webclient/Native mail program (#7494)
- Twigify patient portal appointments card list and show clearer message when no appointments are found. (#7652)
- Twigify the patient portal Digital Signature page for module writers (#7658)
- Update EHI documentation to include FHIR _lastUpdated columns (#7764)
- Update Pull Request Template to provide documentation for AI Generated Code (#7705)
- Warn user when attempting prescription fax if signature is not configured (#7525)
- allow embedding of lform javascript/style questionnaire files using the setupHeader syntax (#7699)
- allow patients with 1 character first name (#7714)
- change clinical messages casing in messages.php (#7644)
- upgrade 2025 icd10 (#7712)
- Add back faxsms Module RingCentral Support (#7541)
- Add title to all appointment sql queries (#7311)
- Adding module manager (#7500)
- Billing Manager and Some Module fixes (#7747)
- Billing Manager showing unassigned (#7553)
- Bug fixes for nation notes, lbf (#6740)
- Bug openemr fix 7746 export since delta fix (#7754)
- CCDA Service compile is broken node version > v18.x (#7528)
- CKEditor4 now throwing security popup (#7540)
- Change telehealth support contact (#7560)
- Dorn Changes (#7221)
- Eligibility Fixes (#7774)
- Encounter Review shows unknown in tab title. (#7776)
- Fax No Content error (#7505)
- Fax/SMS Weno modules needs updates and bug fixes. (#7696)
- Fixes #7503 user admin create empty google # (#7504)
- LBF deletes newly added service when diagnoses already saved (#7579)
- List Edit has a save limit of 40 (#7694)
- Module command line batch notifications broken. (#7752)
- More Changes and Fixes Modules (#7755)
- Need module bootstrap status events (#7462)
- New Fixes (#7770)
- ONC certification requires removal of 2015 wording (#7690)
- Patient menu navigation not working when Prior Auth module enabled (#7677)
- Payor never being returned in FHIR Coverage endpoint (#7684)
- Portal create new appointment is broken (#7688)
- Portal document display (#7632)
- Portal patient documents download broken (#7692)
- Portal updates and bug fixes (#7599)
- Prevent Appointment comment as visit reason (#7680)
- Prior Authorizations Report Error. #7461 (#7558)
- Questionnaire - configure where LOINC terms note is displayed (#7550)
- Repair OA Eligibility (#7773)
- Replace CkEditor Nation Notes and Portal (#7544)
- Replace ckeditor in portal (#7594)
- Template access from Demographics several issues (#7758)
- Update FHIR LForms to latest version v36.3.3 and restyle form rendering. (#7666)
- Wrong insurance information displayed when attempting to update (#7763)
- 'None' does not hide 'search by any demographics' field (#7493)
- Bulk export _since parameter is throwing error (#7746)
- Calendar entries when comments are turned on show html for escaped characters (#7635)
- Create users breaks when more than one user has an empty email address for Google Email For Login (#7503)
- Custom Reports-Superbill not showing Billing Information (#7581)
- Document Uploader when editing document properties shows a stray html tag on success message (#7511)
- EncounterService uses referring provider id for therapy_group name on insert (#7569)
- Insurance coverage save fails for payer relationship self when subscriber name has different casing (#7477)
- Lab Core Procedure Manual eReq breaks due to PHP8 date issue if date_collected is not filled in (#7526)
- Patient Portal Secure Messaging checkbox click should select item instead of open for reading (#7662)
- Patient Portal appointment shows "error" screen for patient's first appointment (#7633)
- Prescription Fax fails when signature file is populated on PHP8 (#7524)
- Questionnaire throws error in clinical documents page if validation fails due to translation failure (#7621)
- Show Visit Category option on Encounters, Hide on New and Edit Form (#7686)
- Skip payment scripts in portal if Portal Allow Online Payments feature disabled. (#7620)
- Upgrade to v702 fails for v301 (#7630)
- User Admin screen Google Email for Login does not save when creating new user (#7393)
- create custom temp directory for htmlpurify (#7520)
- default x12 partner not selected in billing manager (#7501)
- editing insurance company from practice settings 404 not found (#7483)
- export to collections fails to send all encounters for a person (#7768)
- fix variable typo in messages.php (#7467)
- getEffectiveInsurances not inspecting date_end (#7489)
- jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4-translated.js creates invalid date format when DateFormatRead is not in window scope (#7497)
- migrate table engine array binds (#7565)
- patient portal secure messaging timing issue. Messages sometimes are unclickable in inbox when page loads. (#7663)
- portal htmlpurify serializer path not writable (#7475)
- typo in 837I script (#7468)
- webroot typo documents-go portal home (#7473)
- x12837 billing 5 or 9 digit zip check (#7759)
- configure two logos on the portal login page - as one can on user login page (#7710)
- issue type not shown in encounter add issue form (#7563)
- search by any demographic configured as fixed doesn't use patient finder (#7596)
- Input sanitation on google signin email (#7356)
- bug (#7535)
- send each checked encounter to collections in form export (#7769)
- x12837 billing 5 or 9 digit zip check (#7760)
- x12837 billing 5 or 9 digit zip check (#7760) for rel-702 (#7765)
- Convert Dicom Viewer to Twig for Module writers to extend / overwrite (#7509)
- Prescriptions Dialog move to twig to allow module writers to extend / modify the view (#7496)
- pull patient portal health snapshot into modular twig/filter event for customization (#7708)
- Move patient previous name methods in patient service into its own Service (#7568) - 2024-05-28
- Change Module Manager (#7247)
- Encounter and observation report generation in Patient List Creation (#7014)
- Etherfax need tiff image support and image to PDF (#7436)
- Hide cards in the patient dashboard (#7191)
- Modernize Work School Note (#6946)
- Password strength meter missing (#7366)
- Patient Insurance Policy rest endpoint for updating a specific policy (#7143)
- Show group attendance in encounter summary (#7127)
- Weno EZ Integration (#6635)
- Weno improve design, and pharmacy import speed (#7204)
- When google single sign on is enabled it still requires user to use password from openEMR to sign the encounter doesn't use single sign on. (#7254)
- add Real World Testing Report for 2024 (#7210)
- electronically post payment when billed modifier isn't returned in ERA (#7293)
- improved pharmacy download, user facility selection improvement, improved UX for errors and theme compatability (#7208)
- make Demographics Insurance Edit Screen its own page (#7108)
- show collection balance in billing widget (#7454)
- support 2024 reporting cqm valueset import (#7317)
- support electronic worker's comp claims (#7206)
- total front receipts by payment method (#7448)
- use default visit category in add edit event (#7189)
- weno changes - restrict NCPDPD to 7 digits per spec (#7384)
- Backport etherfax #7429 #7447 (#7452)
- Gap cherry-picks (#7451)
- Patch1 more cherry-picks (#7457)
- Phantom date showing at the top of all reports. (#7433)
- Prevent Upload of ZIP bombs (#7407)
- Pull request #7442 backport Cleanup Background tasks (#7455)
- 837P service location details are not created when service facility and billing facility differ (#7213)
- Add previous name doesn't save New/Search (#7437)
- Authentication Error when opening a patient with Open in New Browser Tab checked. (#7167)
- Billing Manager Date of Service selector not working (#7069)
- CDR gui summary screen submit breaks when set no alert types (#7178)
- CDR reminder_results_integrate() to work when same actions are used in different rules (#7266)
- Cannot delete entry from immunization list (#7345)
- Claimrev leaves background service on when module is uninstalled (#7441)
- Clinical Rules - dates and filters (#7157)
- Clinical Rules - interval boundaries used in evaluating target instances (#7161)
- Clinical Rules - logic issues in filter and target evaluations; divide by zero bug (#7153)
- Eye Form Style fixes (#7051)
- File missing for Quest Lab Hub to function properly (#7084)
- Fixes bugs in user edit screen, restyle Logs Viewer (#7222)
- In Visit History, print, or save as PDF, a multi-page list of encounters doesn't print or save all results. (#7270)
- Insurance Edit Screen overwrites insurance fax value (#7164)
- Insurance Edit screen add provider functionality does not update provider list (#7109)
- Insurance rest endpoints documentation incorrect for patient pid (#7145)
- Layout Based Forms (LBF) printable fatal error (#7148)
- Layout Based Forms (LBF) query error breaks on newer database versions (#7239)
- Messages SMS Zone Combobox width (#6070)
- Missing Pdf and Track Anything style sheets (#7258)
- OpenEMR logs sensitive field - payment reference number (#7340)
- OpenEMR\Service\BaseService->getSelectJoinClauses() join_clause property is improperly escaped (#7188)
- Opening portal templates from documents broken (#7173)
- Patient Insurance List All Endpoint fails (#7107)
- Practice Settings Insurance Company list extremely slow to load with hundreds of insurance companies (#7224)
- SNOMED lookup is slow in some places (#7276)
- Unable to import CCDA XML files in Docker 7.0.3 (#7411)
- Unable to share templates in nations note (#7129)
- User able to select a Date of Birth that occurs in the future on new patient screen (#7378)
- Weno calculate age bug and labels incorrectly used for weno user (#7453)
- [CKEDITOR] Error code: invalid-lts-license-key. (#7097)
- appointments report total incorrect (#7289)
- balance formatting in record front payment (#7260)
- billing manager To Encounter button doesn't load proper person for insurance edit (#7419)
- billing manager broken validation of claim with replaced patient insurance (#7263)
- billing_note duplication each time invoice form is saved (#7287)
- document display fail on empty array key (#7390)
- encounter date of service time format (#7202)
- era posting denial write off (#7186)
- escaping custom templates used with ckeditor (#7151)
- etherFax fails render on large download log. (#7430)
- eye exam chart fails since upgrade to latest chart.js package (#7155)
- fatal implode error registering app when contacts is empty (#7282)
- fix bug (#7231)
- fix bug (#7229)
- fix jspdf versions from PR#7429 (#7447)
- need to handle multiple modifiers in fee sheet (#7165)
- not_due not working in the Clinical Reminders widget (#7200)
- pdf download patient report (#7053)
- php fatal math error when saving empty statement count editing invoice (#7280)
- rel_702 form_encounter missing last_update field (#7183)
- saving
# of tablets
in a prescription to9999999999
sets it to2147483647
(#7314) - saving existing insurance with no country in address (#7331)
- visit history count for display of ALL results incorrect, if shorter pages displayed previously (#7385)
- to not allow user to pick future date for DOB (#7379)
- replace htmlspecialchars with escaping functions for recent commit (#7146)
- Nation Notes components display breaks when building a list of components. (#7176)
- batch payments distinct tab (#7398)
- billing manager To Encounter button to load proper person (#7420)
- bug (#7435)
- bug (#7434)
- bug fix (#7230)
- bug fix for rel-702 (#7193)
- cdr fix to correctly show actions that are due, due soon, past due in expanded listings (#7211)
- Add module perform after actions functionality to Module Manager (#7147)
- Add to SMART style twig files the OpenEMR logo and populate the modal backdrop color (#7134)
- Add zipcode plus_four to address service / apis (#7216)
- Allow module writers to add commands to the bin/console command runner (#7237)
- Enhance BaseService->getSelectFields to support table and column aliases (#7370)
- Extract billing code selector logic from options.inc.php into its own class (#7323)
- Extract local providers list selector logic from options.inc.php into its own class (#7368)
- FHIR Patient missing deceasedBoolean (#7063)
- FHIR ValueSet is missing (#7062)
- Infrastructure to send documents to cloud storage buckets (#7232)
- Insurance Company Service allow setting id and make phone settings optional (#7217)
- Time format in logs should display seconds instead of just hours and minutes (#7335)
- Title is not returned when getting list of Appointments via API. (#7301)
- Twigify Portal Quick Start landing page. Prep for plugin support. (#7116)
- User settings not set if not in globals. (#7194)
- minor CryptoGen class updates (#7365)
- Adding calendar event (appointment) via API causes endTime to be set to 0:00:00 (#7300)
- CCDA import creates extra entries in list_options for drug_units list_id (#7319)
- Duplicated "extends" key in stylelint configuration file (#6700)
- FHIR Appointment fields wrong or missing (#7061)
- FHIR Encounter lastUpdated field is wrong and missing as search param (#7064)
- InstallerController needs to pass current status to ModuleManagerAfterActionListener action methods (#7214)
- Insurance Company Service does not load records that have no address entry (#7226)
- PatientValidator email address should not fail to validate with empty string "" for email (#7219)
- SMART on FHIR style url is throwing 500 error. (#7133)
- SectionEvent->addCard append places second function call in first index position (#7171)
- Trusted Email is missing from FHIR Patient (#7113)
- ccda import fails on empty postParseEvent (#7347)
- missing use aclmain statement in prior commit (#7427)
- bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 3.0.34 to 3.0.36 (#7259)
- ci add mariadb 11.3, change mysql 8.2 to mysql 8.3 (#7273)
- commit 2 that updates github actions for docker builds to prevent deprecations (#7272)
- update github actions for docker builds to prevent deprecations (#7271)
- possible fix of logic in jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4-translated.js (#7223) - 2024-04-26
- Add to SMART style twig files the OpenEMR logo and populate the modal backdrop color (#7134)
- Add zipcode plus_four to address service / apis (#7216)
- Allow module writers to add commands to the bin/console command runner (#7237)
- Encounter and observation report generation in Patient List Creation (#7014)
- Enhance BaseService->getSelectFields to support table and column aliases (#7370)
- Extract billing code selector logic from options.inc.php into its own class (#7323)
- Extract local providers list selector logic from options.inc.php into its own class (#7368)
- FHIR Patient missing deceasedBoolean (#7063)
- FHIR ValueSet is missing (#7062)
- Infrastructure to send documents to cloud storage buckets (#7232)
- Insurance Company Service allow setting id and make phone settings optional (#7217)
- Modernize Work School Note (#6946)
- Password strength meter missing (#7366)
- Patient Insurance Policy rest endpoint for updating a specific policy (#7143)
- Refactor Demographics Insurance Edit Screen (#7108)
- Title is not returned when getting list of Appointments via API. (#7301)
- add Real World Testing Report for 2024 (#7210)
- electronically post payment when billed modifier isn't returned in ERA (#7293)
- minor CryptoGen class updates (#7365)
- support 2024 reporting cqm valueset import (#7317)
- support electronic worker's comp claims (#7206)
- use default visit category in add edit event (#7189)
- Add module perform after actions functionality to Module Manager (#7147)
- Authentication Error when opening a patient with Open in New Browser Tab checked. (#7167)
- CDR gui summary screen submit breaks when set no alert types (#7178)
- Change Module Manager (#7247)
- Eye Form Style fixes (#7051)
- Missing Pdf and Track Anything style sheets (#7258)
- Nation Notes components render broken. (#7176)
- Opening portal templates from documents broken (#7173)
- SNOMED lookup is slow in some places (#7276)
- Saving
# of tablets
in a prescription to9999999999
sets it to2147483647
(#7314) - Show group attendance in encounter summary (#7127)
- Trusted Email is missing from FHIR Patient (#7113)
- Various Bug fixes. (#7222)
- Weno EZ Integration (#6635)
- Weno fixes and updates (#7204)
- Weno module changes (#7208)
- When google single sign on is enabled it still requires user to use password from openEMR to sign the encounter doesn't use single sign on. (#7254)
- appointments report total incorrect (#7289)
- billing_note duplication (#7287)
- 837P service location details are not created when service facility and billing facility differ (#7213)
- Billing Manager Date of Service selector not working (#7069)
- CCDA import creates extra entries in list_options for drug_units list_id (#7319)
- Clinical Rules - dates and filters (#7157)
- Clinical Rules - interval boundaries used in evaluating target instances (#7161)
- Clinical Rules - several fixes (#7153)
- Duplicated "extends" key in stylelint configuration file (#6700)
- FHIR Appointment fields wrong or missing (#7061)
- FHIR Encounter lastUpdated field is wrong and missing as search param (#7064)
- File missing for Quest Lab Hub to function properly (#7084)
- In Visit History, print, or save as PDF, a multi-page list of encounters doesn't print or save all results. (#7270)
- Inadequate time format in logs (#7335)
- InstallerController needs to pass current status to ModuleManagerAfterActionListener action methods (#7214)
- Insurance Company Service does not load records that have no address entry (#7226)
- Insurance Edit Add Provider Does Not Update Provider List (#7109)
- Insurance Edit Screen overwrites insurance fax value (#7164)
- Insurance rest endpoints documentation incorrect for patient pid (#7145)
- LBF printable fatal error (#7148)
- LBF query error (#7239)
- Messages SMS Zone Combobox width (#6070)
- OpenEMR\Service\BaseService->getSelectJoinClauses() join_clause property is improperly escaped (#7188)
- Patient Insurance List All Endpoint fails (#7107)
- PatientValidator email address should not fail to validate with empty string "" for email (#7219)
- Practice Settings Insurance Company list extremely slow to load with hundreds of insurance companies (#7224)
- SMART on FHIR style url is throwing 500 error. (#7133)
- SectionEvent->addCard append places second function call in first index position (#7171)
- Unable to share templates in nations note (#7129)
- balance formatting in front payment (#7260)
- broken validation of claim with replaced insurance (#7263)
- ccda import fails on empty postParseEvent (#7347)
- document display fail on empty array key (#7390)
- era posting denial write off (#7186)
- escaping custom templates used with ckeditor (#7151)
- eye exam chart fails since upgrade to latest chart.js package (#7155)
- fatal implode error registering app when contacts is empty (#7282)
- fix bug (#7231)
- fix bug (#7229)
- multiple modifiers in fee sheet (#7165)
- pdf download patient report (#7053)
- php fatal math error when saving empty statement count editing invoice (#7280)
- rel_702 form_encounter missing last_update field (#7183)
- saving existing insurance with no country in address (#7331)
- not_due not working in the Clinical Reminders widget (#7200)
- weno changes (#7384)
- 00:00 (#7300)
- OpenEMR logs sensitive information such as payment details (#7340)
- invalid-lts-license-key. (#7097)
- bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 3.0.34 to 3.0.36 (#7259)
- ci add mariadb 11.3, change mysql 8.2 to mysql 8.3 (#7273)
- commit 2 that updates github actions for docker builds to prevent deprecations (#7272)
- replace htmlspecialchars with escaping functions for recent commit (#7146)
- update github actions for docker builds to prevent deprecations (#7271)
- bug fix (#7230)
- bug fix for rel-702 (#7193)
- cdr fix to correctly show actions that are due, due soon, past due in expanded listings (#7211)
- possible fix of logic in jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4-translated.js (#7223)
- reminder_results_integrate() to work when same actions are used in different rules (#7266)
- Twigify Portal Quick Start landing page. Prep for plugin support. (#7116)
- User settings not set if not in globals. (#7194)
7.0.2 - 2023-11-17
- 2024 ICD10 update (#6796)
- Add a combined nationality with country list to Demographics Stats group (#6891)
- Add ability to prevent forced portal credential change (#6813)
- Add container, better rendering of header, space buttons on the patient encounter page. (#6768)
- Add global setting for Admins to configure patient portal credential force reset behavior (#6824)
- Add patient upload to portal with portal notifications (#6704)
- Allow In Collection for New Encounter Form to be hidden (#6906)
- Allow default date in new Clinical Note (#6909)
- Better spacing of additional code buttons on fee sheet (#6790)
- Care Plan UI Wider Textbox (#6709)
- Display recent last 10 most recent patients viewed by current user on patient finder (#6641)
- EHI Export - track anything and updated table documentation (#6987)
- Enhanced Default Open Tabs Options (#6604)
- Implement ONC 2015 Certification (b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export (#6945)
- Improve UI and code of newpatient report.php (#6748)
- Improve clinical note report User Interface to be more content-focused instead of table based. (#6802)
- Improve the Facilities UI by moving addresses to pill based tab panel (#6687)
- Issues detail form improve form layout and guide the user to avoid scrolling and show most common fields (#6664)
- Limit OpenEMR core appearance themes to five to simplify both development and user choices. (#6534)
- MFA TOTP should display a seed code to enter into an application that does not use QR Codes (#6839)
- More encounter UI improvements (#6794)
- Nationality list refactor for uniqueness and refactor nationality layout for new list (#6936)
- Need a new demographic field for Preferred Name. (#6726)
- Patient Portal restyle for portrait mode, add select to auto save, and alert patient to unsaved edits in edit mode (#6560)
- Portal update landing page and use default OpenEMR style themes instead of custom portal style theme. (#6523)
- Quest Lab Hub module support (#6941)
- Remove old frameset settings for frames related globals (#6462)
- Reorganize MRD cards (#6582)
- Restyle front dashboard cards on patient demographics screen. (#6883)
- Slight main interface redesign & 7.0.2+ mobile friendly changes on provider login view (#6460)
- Support patient portal onetime login tokens (#6786)
- The client app should avoid re-authenticating during it’s launch within OpenEMR (#6525)
- ability to inactivate facilities that are no longer used (#6585)
- create a fee schedule table to store the fee schedules from various payers (#6955)
- expose valedictory in user admin and esign (#6812)
- fix no-useless-escape error (eslint) (#6734)
- invoices generated should be saved to pt documents (#6950)
- put request urls from x12 clearinghouse screens into globals for versatility (#6913)
- Fix typo in interface/usergroup/mfa_totp.php (#6974)
- "Show Title on Login" not working in OpenEMR 7.0.1 Patch 1 (#6650)
- 5010 interchange control numbers are expected to be unique (#6900)
- Add Issue Does not refresh screen on save (#7006)
- Allergy card on MRD fails to render NKDA (#6759)
- ClaimRev Module problem in adding issues to encounter (#6894)
- Clinical Note Category does not respect Active setting (#6907)
- Clinical Note Type does not respect Active flag (#6908)
- Clinical reports are not filtering by diagnosis (#6879)
- Default themes font size to small (#7027)
- Demographics not rendering (#6765)
- Display oauth2 login error messages on login authorization page. (#6845)
- Divide By Zero Fatal Error if PAMI not authorized (#6965)
- EHI Export clinical notes form fixes and track anything implementation. (#6985)
- Emailing invoices broken (#6711)
- Encounter does not insert default POS from facility (#6952)
- Eye Form fails to load correctly. Requires update to eye_mag_functions.php (#6807)
- Facilities page active toggle button not styled correctly (#6682)
- Fix dependencies for core portal apps with dark styling theme (#6555)
- Fix undefined array key mod_relative_link and undefined php var closeAnchorClasses (#6976)
- Form Pain Map fails to save w/ incorrect arguments error (#6742)
- Generate Demographic Widget/Cards from Modules - No custom function call in "btnLink" (#6840)
- Head Circumference is missing from the vitals display chart due to incorrect unit conversion (#6527)
- High severity allergies do not display with proper alarms (#6662)
- Highlight when using custom theme shows text colored pink due to hard coded style (#6865)
- Insufficient contrast when hovering over navbar in dark theme (#6746)
- Issue with medical_problem api (#6988)
- Lab requisition form does not work when connected orders are deleted (#6433)
- Line breaks of text are not exporting as is when generating an xml/word document (#6868)
- Long Problem List leads to bad UI (#6651)
- MFA Management -> add new TOTP key gives blank screen. (#6961)
- MRD Portal Card does not respect global setting if portal and api are disabled (#6653)
- MRD top cards break if all 4 are rendered (#6760)
- Message doesn't allow assigned to user message display (#6692)
- Newcrop send only active diagnosis (#6956)
- Not all eligibilities were displaying in the ClaimRev module (#6778)
- On add new patient Previous name populates with wrong name (#6769)
- PHP 8 inventory lot edit error throws a fatal error when specifying the lot quantity. (#6942)
- Patient portal typo and translation in login page. (#6714)
- Portal documents corrupted on save. (#6617)
- Portal patient default document templates should recur always (#6538)
- Quest lab result should display specimen date (#6917)
- Quickfix to reverse the text and nl2br tags in newpatient forms (#6793)
- Remove hard coded gray background style in login page. (#6920)
- Summary screen user setting not presisting (#7018)
- Telehealth Transfer Appointment fails to launch appointment on latest 7.0.1 patch (#6500)
- Update mfa_totp.php to not show blank screen when user hits enter (#6916)
- add to list feature is broken (#6484)
- add/edit issue fails to update begin or end date to null datetime (#6619)
- address book and demographics contact referring providers with null username (#6526)
- alert on batch payments screen flashes off (#6717)
- allergies appear when adding new patient with no issues (#6724)
- allergies are displayed with duplicates on upgrade to 7.0.2 due to missing user value in lists table (#6930)
- ambiguous facility id label (#6963)
- apostrophe breaks comment in save inside order results (#6938)
- appointments report lists canceled appointments (#6546)
- billing log isn't logging validate only well (#6558)
- calendar php8 fatal error in day, week, and month template views (#6621)
- default payment method checkout (#6564)
- encounter pos code is saving when config option is disabled (#6928)
- encounters history randomly shows "Patient" in red - round invoice amounts for better comparison and display. (#6838)
- era posting display floatval fix and typo in patient.inc (#6675)
- error message on changing table in demographic forms (#6984)
- expand/collapse of widgets on dashboard summary javascript error when click on the font-awesome icon (#6993)
- eye form ROS not saving (#6623)
- eye form lists negative in PMSFH report and side bar even if there are entries (#6625)
- eye form view.php shorthand icons are position incorrectly in 7.0. (#6831)
- fix none issue mechanism in the patient summary screen (#6861)
- fix none mechanism in issues gui (#6860)
- fix parsing of allergy and medication responses from NewCrop, prevent sending diagnosis other than ICD10 to NewCrop (#6912)
- fix several clinical_notes form fixes (#6811)
- fix solar nav background, set default theme if missing in globals, add portal theme to global settings. (#6536)
- fix static domain included in URL for patient portal onsite documents. (#6829)
- fix summary screen cards expand and collapse persistence (#6836)
- flow board stuck on appointment with status CALL (#6596)
- immunizations are not showing up on the patient summary screen (#6990)
- insurance date_end field not implemented (#6532)
- inventory managment datatables warning (#6642)
- login language selector settings for allowed languages and hiding dummy language (#7023)
- menu tab with iframe of external domain shows loading overlay even after iframe has loaded (#6781)
- minor fix in upgrade script for Document_Template_Categories list update (#6590)
- output X12 payer zip even if not 5 or 9 digits (#6529)
- output other insco zip (#6599)
- passing integer instead of referenced variable to genX12837P fatal error (#6495)
- patient finder + Add New Patient missing webroot (#6722)
- patient portal card won't render for non-admins (#6482)
- patient summary screen card sections fix for receptionist (#6902)
- payment receipt not printing total paid (#6492)
- posCode not saved with new encounter (#6871)
- prior auth module hides Report in patient menu for non-admins (#6578)
- referring provider in X125010837P not looking at the claims referrer (#6544)
- remove cards max height to prevent scroll on longer lists. (#7012)
- remove semicolon typos in sql upgrade script for x12_partners table (#6926)
- reopening and clearing claim fatal error in billing report (#6614)
- results only electronic procedure results create multiple encounters for same datetime (#6933)
- service facility zip code not present in 837 professional claims if not 9 digits (#6488)
- topatient call in billing report doesn't load encs (#6583)
- typo in 701 to 702 upgrade (#6586)
- use datetime of procedure result to match existing encounter (#6934)
- quick fix for default open tabs on upgrade (#6646)
- ClaimRev fix styling issue (#6835)
- Refactor oauth2 authorization flow template files into twig (#6844)
- change stream to file with mpdf output in billing invoice from recent commit (#6970)
- fix IDE intellisense error in front_payment.php (#6898)
- EHI Export - Asynchronous Export Progress Updates. (#6977)
- use patient filter to assist remote chart review (#6553)
- Use bootstrap for list items on multi sorted list options (#6603)
- do not list canceled appts in report by default (#6547)
- fixes to allergy card in patient summary (#6863)
- patient summary screen fix for receptionist (#6862)
- improve button colors in (registration-modal) (#6804)
- test and refactor populateTimezones function in (ccdaservice) (#6818)
- API support for _sort parameter (#6799)
- Add Delete and Render Event Hooks to appointment add screen (#6591)
- Add OpenEMR regular date time twig filter function (#6631)
- Add Render event on forms.php page for encounter forms page. (#6629)
- Add RestAPISecurityCheckEvent to allow module writers to extend or change the API security checks. (#6504)
- Add a system event to billing payment deletion for module writers to know when a payment is deleted. (#6841)
- Add core event hooks to QuestionnaireResponse save/insert records. (#6506)
- Add new environment variable to disable background services for repeater services (#6601)
- Add system event to send SMS from Secure Messaging for module or core code to hook into (#6593)
- Add system events for module writers to hook into the CDA Parse Engine (#6731)
- Add system events to CDA Import for module writers. (#6715)
- Add system events to be dispatched on the front payments page for module writers. (#6877)
- Add to UtilsService methods for dealing with FHIR Canonical URLs, OperationOutcomes, and Reference resources (#6505)
- Allow CORS content-encoding header (#6634)
- Allow module writers to override / hook into the SMART style_url (#6919)
- Allow multiple paths to be added to TwigContainer for template directories (#6632)
- Convert from smarty to twig the SOAP Note (#5983)
- Create event to send SMS and Email notifications (#6588)
- Email Queue support html/text view with twig templates (#6772)
- Enhance FHIR UtilsService with extension lookup method (#6849)
- Extend PatientService to have methods for retrieving a list of the PCP for a given list of patients (#6509)
- Extend appointment dialog with hooks for modules and smart apps (#6720)
- Extract patient portal pdf generator into separate service (#6570)
- FHIR Date Search support partial seconds component (#6669)
- FHIR Patient Resource support generalPractitioner data field (#6827)
- Fixes #6629 Encounter forms list render event (#6630)
- Implement Portal Dashboard Audit Report Javascript Event (#6568)
- Improved customizations on login page logo and portal navbar logo (#6515)
- Patient Service api sort order for name field make title last field sorted on. (#6851)
- Patient api endpoints support _lastUpdated search parameter (#6800)
- Patient portal pdf document return Document object instead of success message (#6610)
- REST API add user endpoint in order to grab any user not just practitioners. (#6751)
- Twig extension to get logo from within template, instead of having to pass it in as a variable (#6247)
- Update FHIR Capability statement to indicate we do not allow resources to be created with an update operation (#6576)
- add javascript lint support to devtools (#6719)
- coverage reports for js unit tests (jest) (#6735)
- globals setting allow address book data type for user id selection (#6752)
- minor refactor x12 insurance eligibility api (#6915)
- API calls with pagination _limit or _offset parameters generates fatal error. (#6848)
- Allow auth portal users to view pnotes from portal (#6695)
- Bulk FHIR Export Capability Statement Operation Name incorrect (#7019)
- Bulk FHIR fails w/ 500 error in patient/system export due to missing patient ids exception (#7001)
- Bulk Patient FHIR Export fails w/ 500 error when OpenEMR has insurance company provider in the system. (#7000)
- Duplicate stylelint command in CI (#6702)
- FHIR Confidential Client fails CORS OPTIONS check in browser window when requesting /token endpoint (#6497)
- FHIR POST _search operation returns different results than GET search (#6732)
- FHIR api warnings for missing array keys in AllergyIntolerance, Vitals Observations, Social History Observations, Procedures (#7002)
- Fix EncounterValidator typo on configureValidator() to avoid fatal error (#6875)
- Fix QuestionnaireResponse search operation to deal with duplicate field ids in where clause (#6574)
- Fix fax/sms module event usage from API dispatch.php call (#6820)
- Fix questionnaire_assessments to not php die if there is a form problem. (#6677)
- Gulp theme build deprecation warning in development mode (#6542)
- Missing user rest controller for API causing user api to fail (#6783)
- Questionnaire URL needs to be a cannonical FQDN url (#6507)
- Questionnaire source_url breaks if oauth2 fhir url does not end in a slash (#6672)
- REST API filter by UUID breaks on some endpoints (#6107)
- Telehealth Patient Updated event signature type broken with patient update by uuid (#6499)
- Typos in templates/error HTML files (#6698)
- Unable to use the internal api and fhir apis locally inside a new module by using the existing code in the test files (#6744)
- Zend module installer upgrade broken for custom modules in PHP8 (#6808)
- add ccdaservice/package-lock.json to .gitignore to help with easy development dockers (#6979)
- deprecated php: creation of dynamic property $groupId in src/Events/Encounter/EncounterFormsListRenderEvent.php (#6815)
- escaping in patient portal and transactions screen. (#6697)
- fix no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs error (eslint) (#6728)
- lock down pnotes to user (#6550)
- oauth2 key should regenerate if key is empty or corrupted when in development mode. fix rest config include in api auth controller (#6607)
- openemr-api.yaml fails validation when generating client library with openapi-generator (#6967)
- typo in sql upgrade with email_queue table (#6797)
- use mb_strlen to check field value length in get_layout_form_value() (#6707)
- Change HttpRestRequest class to implement PSR7 ServerRequestInterface (#6503)
- ESLint setup in OpenEMR (#6708)
- Improved handling of inserting and updating encounters (#6647)
- Make it possible to save OAuth2 client outside of AuthorizationController.php (#6575)
- ci adjustments for alpine 3.18, php 8.2, and mariadb updates (#6581)
- ci mariadb stuff - added 11.1 and removed 10.9 (#6834)
- documentation for flex docker now using alpine 3.18 with php 8.2 (#6580)
- drop support for arm7 (#7007)
- insane dev environment updates (#6925)
- packages update and set min php version 8.1 (#6867)
- php 8.3 fixes to prepare for next release (#6935)
- pinned maennchen/zipstream-php version to work with arm7 and updated packages (#6973)
- specify interface folders with errors (stylelint) (#6780)
- upgrade phpseclib from version 2 to version 3 (#6887)
- bugs (#6552)
- fix AllergyIntoleranceService lookup by pid to return results instead of empty list. (#6864)
- fix stylelint errors in admin.css (gacl) (#6777)
- Refactor portal templates scheduling from profile to individual templates in profile (#6612)
- change the generate_select_list function and incorporate it to Twig (#6659)
- extract and test cleanCode function (ccdaservice) (#6785)
- extract and test date functions (ccdaservice) (#6795)
- extract and test headReplace function (ccdaservice) (#6792)
- extract and test safeTrim function (ccdaservice) (#6788)
- improve DataStack class (ccdaservice) (#6718)
- refactor bucks function with new class based on oeFormatMoney (#6932)
- test and refactor count entities function (ccdaservice) (#6805)
- test and refactor fetchPreviousAddresses function in the ccdaservice (#6828)
- test and refactor populateDemographics function (ccdaservice) (#6837)