This repository holds code for geopackage viewing. It is also a testing ground for the geopackage relation extension for the javascript library.
The prerequisites for this repository are python2, virtualenv, and an updated pip client.
Git clone the repository in a desired directory and change to the project's directory.
Make a virtualenv with python2 for the project; if you choose to make it in the git repository, name it 'env'.
Creating the Environment (linux): virtual -p python2 <env_name>
Start the Environment (linux): source <env_name>/bin/activate
Next you can pip install your dependences: pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to GPKGServer: cd GPKGServer
You can change the settings of the project (namely, database settings) in GPKGServer/
Run updateDB to initialize the database Models: ./
You can now run the server with the following command: ./
This will run a server on
In the current stage of the application, an administration account is not needed.
You can go to the base site and upload a GeoPackage. You can also click on a geopackage that has been uploaded previously.
When doing so, this will open the "Editing" panel. It'll show you the list of current tables and their control interfaces.
You can toggle a layer with the checkbox, zoom to a layer using the magnifying glass, and edit (coming soon) and view the metadata of a layer using the respective buttons.
Clicking on a feature of a map will give you options regarding the point. Right now, the only option is to view the relations of that point.