- Use Case: Phone Number Validation.
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- Use Case: 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) library.
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- Use Case: Admin Dashboard Template.
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- Use Case: FTP Server.
- Use Case: BitTorrent tracker.
- Use Case: bKash pgw integration in php.
- Use Case: Media player for the web.
- Use Case: PHP class for uploads files and manipulates images.
- Use Case: An extended table library.
- Use Case: Network flow Monitoring (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack.
- Use Case: Email templates for applications.
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- Use Case: KVM Controller.
- Use Case: A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs.
- Use Case: HTTP Live Streaming player.
- Use Case: Beautifier for HTML.
- Use Case: HLS, DASH, and future HTTP streaming protocols library for video.js.
- Use Case: To transform a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface.
- Use Case: Laravel Admin Panel.
Use Case: Laravel Package Tutorial.
- Use Case: To automate the deploy of letsencrypt certificates to Zimbra.
- Use Case: Multiple Selection Combo Box using Bootstrap 3.
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- Use Case: PHP class for detecting mobile devices.
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- Use Case: Save php application logs to a file.
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- Use Case: jQuery multiselect plugin with two sides.
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- Use Case: Live TV Server.
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- Use Case: OpenTracker Installer Script.
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- Use Case: P2P streaming of live and on demand video.
- Use Case: PDF Reader in JavaScript.
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- Use Case: Convert a pdf to an image.
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- Use Case: PDF printing in pure JavaScript.
- Use Case: PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
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- Use Case: The classic email sending library for PHP.
- Use Case: PHP Pagination by Modularr
- Use Case: QR Code generator for PHP.
- Use Case: PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
- Use Case: PHP Code Beautifier.
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- Use Case: Network monitoring tools(NetFlow, IPFIX)
- Use Case: QR Code Generator (PHP).
- Use Case: Client API for RouterOS/Mikrotik
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- Use Case: Client API for RouterOS/Mikrotik
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- Use Case: Read and write simple Excel and CSV files.
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- Use Case: A PHP micro framework.
- Use Case: PDF generation from a url or a html page.
- Use Case: Email tools for PHP
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- Use Case: sslcommerz Integration in RAW PHP.
- Use Case: alternative to PuTTY.
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- Use Case: JavaScript animated typing utility.
- Use Case: Web interface to manage virtual machines with libvirt.
- Use Case: Laravel Admin.
- Use Case: Text editor for the web.
- Use Case: Drag and Drop Website Builder and CMS with E-commerce.
- Use Case: create, edit, and compose images.