Simple Web3/dapps and crypto website examples. Use the respective readmes to run the projects.
Example of Amazon Alexa skill for crypto prices.
Example of blockchain written in JavaScript (teaching purposes).
Example of crypto transfer from Brave Wallet (EthersJS).
CryptoBubbles website clone using Binance streams.
Frontend example with ReactJS + EthersJS for event listening.
Frontend example with ReactJS + Web3.js for event listening.
Frontend example (built with ReactJS + EthersJS) for smart contracts.
Frontend example (built with ReactJS + web3.js) for smart contracts.
Example of login page using MetaMask as auth (EthersJS).
Example of crypto transfer from MetaMask wallet (EthersJS).
Example of blockchain calls & sends using Node.js, MetaMask and EthersJS
Example of blockchain calls & sends using Node.js, MetaMask and Web3.js
Example of blockchain calls & sends using ReactJS, MetaMask and Web3.js
Backend example with Node.js + EthersJS for event listening.
Backend example with Node.js + Web3.js for event listening.
Application example that queries over PancakeSwap V3 Graph API.
A simple example written in Next.js to upload files to IPFS network using Pinata API.
Application example that queries over Uniswap V3 Graph API.