Initial scaffolding for a flask rest API development. Starter template for building your Flask and Flask Rest API applications.
- Gunicorn server setup
- Database migration setup for SQLAlchemy Models
- JWT authentication at
- Url to register your admin and users at
- Provisioned route file for all your routes with admin blueprints
- Test environment setup
This App was developed with the following stack:
- Python==3.12
- Flask==3.10
- Flask-restful==0.3.10
- Flask-Script==2.0.6
- Flask-SQLAlchemy==3.1.1
- Postgres DB / SQlite
- Gunicorn Web Server
- Python 3.12+
- Python pip
- Postgres / SQlite
- fork this repository
- create a .env file as shown in the env_example file
- setup your database
- on the terminal cd into the app folder
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install required modules - run
flask --app manage db init
to setup alembic migrations - run
flask --app manage db migrate -m='<your migration message>'
to create migration files - then run
flask --app python manage db upgrade
to create tables
- on the terminal run
gunicorn main:app
- To run app on a specific port use
gunicorn - main:app
--- flask-restful resources for your projectsrc/models
--- SQLAlchemy models and schemasrc/routes/api
--- contains all your route definitionsrc/utils
--- contains validations, security and helper filessrc/middlewares
--- define your middleware files here- You can modify the app to suit your need.
- Happy usage.
- Flask-JWT has been replaced with Flask-JWT-extended
- Flask-Scripts and dependencies removed.
- Future versions may use Pydantic instead of Marshmallow
- Contributors are needed to keep developing this template with updates to its dependencies. You can reach me on my email.