' Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.'
A Web application to sidestep the mentally-degrading YouTube news feed and only view channels subscribed to. Its back end can be found at https://github.com/sopherapps/you-hedge-back.
The webOS version of the app is found in the ./webos folder.
- nodejs v16+
- reactjs v18+
- react router v6+
- webOS v4.0+ for webOS app
Set up the backend
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:sopherapps/you-hedge.git
- Copy the
file to.env
file and update its variables
cd you-hedge
cp .example.env .env
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Start the app
yarn start
- Open the browser at localhost:3000 if it is not yet open already
Set up the backend
Ensure you have the webOS CLI and webOS simulator installed.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:sopherapps/you-hedge.git
Set up the web app as shown in the instructions above
Host it on a server of your choice and get its URL.
Update the
location.href = 'https://youhedge.web.app';
line in the webos/index.html file, replacinghttps://youhedge.web.app
with your URL got above. -
Open the webOS simulator
In the simulator, Select 'launch app' from 'tools' and select the
folder in the root of theyou-hedge
- Youtube data api has daily quotas of upto 10,000 currently
- LG WebOS apps use JS/HTML/CSS with DB8 for data storage, and localStorage, sessionStorage.
- LocalStorage may not get cleared when app is uninstalled, but sessionStorage should as it is attached to the session.
- User can view all channels subscribed to. (Subscription is done only in YouTube)
- User can select any channel and view a list of uploads for each channel
- User can select any uploaded video and watch it in full screen
- User can press back button to go back to previous screen
- User can log in with their google account
- Use react and react-router to create a single page application
- Move all requests sent to YuoTube to a separate backend to avoid the exposure of Google API client secrets and API keys.
- Save all data in LocalForage for the sake of the progressive web app (PWA) since service workers can't access sessionStorage or localStorage.
- Use the YouTube iframe to play the youtube videos themselves
The project (src
) is divided along the main lines of display (pages
and components
), business logic (lib
folder contains all the pages/screens to be displayed by the appcomponents
folder contains all reusable reactjs components for the applib
folder contains the business logic that is separate from displaystore.ts
file contains the interface to the store that stores the app's dataclient
folder contains the interface to the back end APItypes
folder contains a number of types that are used in the appdtos.ts
contains the types that are actually relevant within the app as data transfer objectshttp.ts
contains a number of types representing HTTP requests and responses as expected from the back end.state.ts
contains the separate states the entire app could be in. This is separate from the data it will have. For example the app behaves differently when authenticated as opposed to when it is not authenticated.
- Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:sopherapps/you-hedge.git
- Copy the
file to.env
file and update its variables
cd you-hedge
cp .example.env .env
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Run the test command
yarn test
- We can do nothing without God (John 15: 5). Glory be to Him.
Copyright (c) 2022 Martin Ahindura. Licensed under the MIT License
All glory be to God