A Programm written in C simulating the origanl Bash/shell orignally a co working project with Maran Siemons
The existence of shells is linked to the very existence of IT. At the time, all coders agreed that communicating with a computer using aligned 1/0 switches was seriously irritating. It was only logical that they came up with the idea to communicate with a computer using interactive lines of commands in a language somewhat close to english. With Minishell, you’ll be able to travel through time and come back to problems people faced when Windows didn’t exist
- [ How to execute the program)
- [ Structure of the projet])
- [ Design Architecture])
- [ Challenges]
- [ Optimalisatation )]
- [ Tests)]
- run ./run.sh
1. make
2. ./minishell
both cases
ctrl d
Congratz now your in your own BASH
-main.c following a norm the function on
the bottom of each file is the start function
0.00 Abstract syntax tree
0. libft -libary ( personal libary with self
written functions simulating origanl c functions)
1. Lexer
2. Parser
3. executor
1. Edge cases
2. structs/linked list
3. pointers adresses
4. Memory
5. Processes
- fork processes
- Binary tree
1. start of the project No clue
2. Process
3. Binary tree
- organising a complex project
- Mapping out a architecture
1. Video showing examples
2. builtins
3. exit status
4. env
5. bin