Match authors automatically in Scopus on-line
Install stable version from PyPI:
pip install sosia
or development version from GitHub repository:
pip install git+
sosia performs a series of queries in the Scopus database using the pybliometrics package. After configuring your local pybliometrics (providing access credentials and eventually setting cache directories), you are ready to use sosia:
>>> import sosia
>>> # You need the Scopus ID and the year, optionally set a database path
>>> stefano = sosia.Original(55208373700, 2018)
>>> # Sources similiar to those stefano publishes in
>>> stefano.define_search_sources()
>>> # Authors publishing in search sources every 2 years
>>> stefano.identify_candidates_from_sources(first_year_margin=1,
>>> frequency=2)
>>> # Find candidates whose characteristics fall within margins
>>> stefano.filter_candidates(same_discipline=True, pub_margin=0.2,
>>> first_year_margin=1, cits_margin=0.2,
>>> coauth_margin=0.15)
>>> print(stefano.matches)
>>> [55567912500]
>>> # Optional step to provide additional information
>>> stefano.inform_matches()
>>> print(stefano.matches[0])
Match(ID=55567912500, name='Eling, Katrin', first_name='Katrin',
surname='Eling', first_year=2013, last_year=2018, num_coauthors=9,
num_publications=8, num_citations=56, subjects=['BUSI', 'COMP', 'ENGI'],
affiliation_country='Netherlands', affiliation_id='60032882',
affiliation_name='Technische Universiteit Eindhoven',
affiliation_type='univ', language='eng', num_cited_refs=0)
Please see CHANGES.rst.
Please see CONTRIBUTING.rst. For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.rst.
MIT License; see LICENSE.