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Work on the patch loader plugin
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julianstorer committed Jul 21, 2020
1 parent a3e4566 commit 85ecf77
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 144 deletions.
249 changes: 190 additions & 59 deletions include/soul/patch/helper_classes/soul_patch_LoaderPlugin.h
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Expand Up @@ -28,27 +28,42 @@ namespace patch
This is a juce::AudioProcessor which can told to dynamically load and run different
patches. The purpose is that you can build a native (VST/AU/etc) plugin with this
class which can then load (and hot-reload) any SOUL patch at runtime.
On startup, the plugin will also check in its folder for any sibling .soulpatch files,
and if it finds exactly one, it'll load it automatically.
The PatchLibrary template is a mechanism for providing different JIT engines.
The PatchLibraryDLL is an example of a class that could be used for this parameter.
template <typename PatchLibrary>
class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor
SOULPatchLoaderPlugin() = default;
SOULPatchLoaderPlugin (PatchLibrary&& library)
: patchLibrary (std::move (library))

~SOULPatchLoaderPlugin() override
patchInstance = nullptr;

/** To allow this utility class to be used with either the patch DLL or a static build,
this virtual method abstracts away the loading of a patch.
virtual soul::patch::PatchInstance::Ptr createPatchInstance (const std::string& url) = 0;

/** This allows a sub-class to provide an error message to be shown in the editor if
it needs to report a problem.
virtual std::string getErrorMessage() = 0;
/** Sets a new .soulpatch file or URL for the plugin to load. */
void setPatchURL (const std::string& newFileOrURL)
if (newFileOrURL != state.getProperty (ids.patchURL).toString().toStdString())
state = juce::ValueTree (ids.SOULPatchPlugin);
state.setProperty (ids.patchURL, newFileOrURL.c_str(), nullptr);

void prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) override
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,8 +93,7 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor

const juce::String getName() const override { return "SOUL Patch Loader"; }

const juce::String getName() const override { return patchName; }
juce::AudioProcessorEditor* createEditor() override { return new Editor (*this); }
bool hasEditor() const override { return true; }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +157,7 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor

if (patchInstance == nullptr)
patchInstance = createPatchInstance (stateURL);
patchInstance = patchLibrary.createPatchInstance (stateURL);

if (patchInstance != nullptr)
Expand All @@ -160,13 +174,13 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor
if (plugin == nullptr)
auto newPlugin = std::make_unique<soul::patch::SOULPatchAudioProcessor> (patchInstance, getCompilerCache());
newPlugin->askHostToReinitialise = [this] { this->childChanged(); };
newPlugin->askHostToReinitialise = [this] { this->reinitialiseSourcePlugin(); };

if (state.getNumChildren() != 0)
newPlugin->applyNewState (state.getChild (0));

newPlugin->setBusesLayout (getBusesLayout());
newPlugin->prepareToPlay (getSampleRate(), getBlockSize());
preparePluginToPlayIfPossible (*newPlugin);
replaceCurrentPlugin (std::move (newPlugin));
Expand All @@ -177,50 +191,8 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor

void setPatchURL (const std::string& newURL)
if (newURL != state.getProperty (ids.patchURL).toString().toStdString())
state = juce::ValueTree (ids.SOULPatchPlugin);
state.setProperty (ids.patchURL, newURL.c_str(), nullptr);

void childChanged()
suspendProcessing (true);

if (plugin != nullptr)
plugin->setBusesLayout (getBusesLayout());
plugin->prepareToPlay (getSampleRate(), getBlockSize());

suspendProcessing (false);

if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

void replaceCurrentPlugin (std::unique_ptr<soul::patch::SOULPatchAudioProcessor> newPlugin)
if (newPlugin.get() != plugin.get())
if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

suspendProcessing (true);
std::swap (plugin, newPlugin);
suspendProcessing (false);

if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,7 +248,7 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor

if (pluginEditor == nullptr)
auto message = owner.getErrorMessage();
auto message = owner.patchLibrary.getErrorMessage();

if (message.empty())
message = "Drag-and-drop a .soulpatch file here to load it";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,6 +294,8 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor

PatchLibrary patchLibrary;
juce::String patchName;
soul::patch::PatchInstance::Ptr patchInstance;
std::unique_ptr<soul::patch::SOULPatchAudioProcessor> plugin;
juce::ValueTree state;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,9 +331,166 @@ class SOULPatchLoaderPlugin : public juce::AudioProcessor
return compilerCache;

void preparePluginToPlayIfPossible (soul::patch::SOULPatchAudioProcessor& p)
auto rate = getSampleRate();
auto size = getBlockSize();

if (rate > 0 && size > 0)
p.prepareToPlay (rate, size);

void reinitialiseSourcePlugin()
suspendProcessing (true);

if (plugin != nullptr)
plugin->setBusesLayout (getBusesLayout());
preparePluginToPlayIfPossible (*plugin);

suspendProcessing (false);

if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

void replaceCurrentPlugin (std::unique_ptr<soul::patch::SOULPatchAudioProcessor> newPlugin)
if (newPlugin.get() != plugin.get())
if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

suspendProcessing (true);
std::swap (plugin, newPlugin);
suspendProcessing (false);

if (auto ed = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (getActiveEditor()))

void checkForSiblingPatch()
auto pluginDLL = juce::File::getSpecialLocation (juce::File::SpecialLocationType::currentApplicationFile);
auto siblingPatches = pluginDLL.getParentDirectory().findChildFiles (juce::File::findFiles, false, "*.soulpatch");

if (siblingPatches.size() == 1)
setPatchURL (siblingPatches.getFirst().getFullPathName().toStdString());

void updatePatchName()
if (patchInstance != nullptr)
if (auto desc = soul::patch::Description::Ptr (patchInstance->getDescription()))
if (std::string_view (desc->name).empty())
patchName = desc->name;

patchName = "SOUL Patch Loader";


/** This helper class can be used as the template class for SOULPatchLoaderPlugin to make it
find and load the SOUL_PatchLoader DLL as its JIT engine.
struct PatchLibraryDLL
library->ensureLibraryLoaded (lookForSOULPatchDLL().toStdString());

std::string getErrorMessage()
if (library->library == nullptr)
return std::string ("Couldn't find or load ") + soul::patch::SOULPatchLibrary::getLibraryFileName();

return {};

soul::patch::PatchInstance::Ptr createPatchInstance (const std::string& url)
if (library->library != nullptr)
return soul::patch::PatchInstance::Ptr (library->library->createPatchFromFileBundle (url.c_str()));

return {};

static juce::String lookForSOULPatchDLL()
auto dllName = soul::patch::SOULPatchLibrary::getLibraryFileName();

auto pluginDLL = juce::File::getSpecialLocation (juce::File::SpecialLocationType::currentApplicationFile);
auto pluginSibling = pluginDLL.getSiblingFile (dllName);

if (pluginSibling.exists())
return pluginSibling.getFullPathName();

auto insideBundle = pluginDLL.getChildFile ("Contents/Resources").getChildFile (dllName);

if (insideBundle.exists())
return insideBundle.getFullPathName();

auto inAppData = juce::File::getSpecialLocation (juce::File::SpecialLocationType::userApplicationDataDirectory)
.getChildFile ("SOUL").getChildFile (dllName);

if (inAppData.exists())
return inAppData.getFullPathName();

return dllName;

struct SharedPatchLibraryHolder
SharedPatchLibraryHolder() = default;

void ensureLibraryLoaded (const std::string& patchLoaderLibraryPath)
if (library == nullptr)
library = std::make_unique<soul::patch::SOULPatchLibrary> (patchLoaderLibraryPath.c_str());

if (library->loadedSuccessfully())
loadedPath = patchLoaderLibraryPath;
// This class isn't sophisticated enough to be able to load multiple
// DLLs from different locations at the same time
jassert (loadedPath == patchLoaderLibraryPath);

std::unique_ptr<soul::patch::SOULPatchLibrary> library;
std::string loadedPath;


juce::SharedResourcePointer<SharedPatchLibraryHolder> library;

} // namespace patch
} // namespace soul

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