Get started in minutes. Say no more to days of setting your programming environment and finding everything yourself.
This LAMP configuration allows you to install your working environment in few minutes. It's completely open source (MIT license), this means you can check what this installation does and you can see for yourself that it is not going to track your work in any way.
MHlavac Symfony2 LAMP is created in Virtual servers in mind and that should be your main platform where to use this scripts. You can still use it on your workstation,
but check the plugins as it does few changes to rc
in installation process to make the terminal little friendlier to new comers :-)
You can install everything in one simple step:
curl | sudo sh
How to create new project in LAMP? It's quite easy, it takes only one step and your site is up and you can start working.
mkdir -p /var/www/website.example/web
In this command we created a website.example
directory in /var/www
directory. Any directory created in /var/www
will automaticaly
create a new Apache2 Virtual Host and new Bind 9 zones settings for this directory.
That said, if you create website.example
directory a new virtualhost on address webiste.example is created. You can access it in your browser
via this URL address: http://website.example
Currently the website does not have any index page. To test it out you can simply create one with following command:
echo "Hello on your website example" > /var/www/example/website/web/index.html
- PHP 5.4.x
- composer
- pear
- pecl
- node.js
- npm
- yeoman
- grunt (contrib-sass, contrib-coffee)
- bower
- Apache2
- mod_rewrite - Nice urls
- vhost_alias - More advanced virtualhost settings
- xsendfile - File provisioning (you can send your files through PHP with ease)
- Code versioning
- git
- Continuous integration
- Jenkins CI - Accesible at jenkins.lamp
- Databases and caches
- Memcached - Fast key-value cache
- MySQL - SQL database
- phpmyadmin accesable at http://mysql.lamp
- MongoDB - Document database
- rockmongo accesable at http://mongo.lamp
- Build tools
- ant
- gradle
- System utilities
- Etckeeper - Backups your LAMP's system settings in local git
- jdk7 - Java development kit (needed for jenkins ci)
- Samba - Share files with windows
- wkhtmltopdf - Generates pdf from given url
- postfix - Sends emails
This project is under MIT license, you can use it for free for any means. You can also alter it as you like ;-)
Lastly i want to thank you for reading to this point and for using my LAMP configuration. If you have any ideas or if you found any bugs please report them as issues on github.