All wiki-as-a-service software sucks. sucks less than most.
SpaceWiki is provided as a service via There, users can # with their slack teams and each team is provisioned a wiki. Payment is optional but requested.
You'll need the following tools available:
- virtualenv
- Postgres
- r.js (
npm install -g requirejs
You'll additionally need an API key for each service you'll be testing with:
- A slack API key:
- A stripe API key:
To begin:
$ virtualenv virtualenv/
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt is a wrapper around the upstream SpaceWiki project. This app uses SpaceWiki as any other package, albeit with a fairly tight linkage. To set this up, you'll need to prepare a copy of SpaceWiki for consumption. You'll want to have activated the virtualenv created above and be sure that you aren't within your spacewiki-io git clone.
$ git clone git://
$ cd spacewiki
$ ./ develop
This will setup symlinks in your virtualenv to point to this local git clone of SpaceWiki.
Next, create a in the root of your spacewiki-io directory (same place where lives) with appropriate values. There is currently one required configuration for local development:
- Used to generate session cookies. Keep this secret, as it is used to process slack logins between subdomains.
The defaults are good enough for local development with a postgres server available via:
$ docker run --net=host postgres
The default configuration assumes that there is a database named 'spacewiki', so create that before getting too far ahead:
$ psql -h localhost -U postgres
Other configuration variables are:
- Public slack key from api.slack.comSLACK_SECRET
- Private slack API key from api.slack.comSPACE_DB_URL_PATTERN
- This must be a string containing '%s' which will be replaced with the team's database name. For example,postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/%s
for the default docker postgres containerADMIN_DB_URL
- A peewee database URISTRIPE_SECRET_KEY
- Secret API key from stripe.comSTRIPE_KEY
- Public API key from
To start the server:
$ ./ runserver
If you plan on interacting with the slack workflows at all, you'll need to add http://localhost:5000/ (or the port of your chosing) to be able to test the slack buttons. In your slack app's OAuth & Permissions page, add this URL to the list of redirect URLs.
Deployment is done by pushing to Server-side hooks will rebuild and reload the application.