Releases: spannerisms/ALttPNG
Releases · spannerisms/ALttPNG
- Backgrounds are now animated (except the ones that didn't need to be), both in app and in exported gifs. Unanimated versions can still be used with the new checkbox under the combobox.
- Backgrounds are, and will remain, animated separately from Link. GIFS may not loop perfectly anymore. Oh well.
- Added "Sword primed", for a stood still Link with his sword out.
- Renamed a number of animations.
- Update for correct sprite API endpoint.
- Fixed an inconsistency with numbering in the trawler.
- Removed neutral frames from being listed in the trawler.
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
- New keyboard controls
- Pretty buttons
- Fixed bombos sparkles
- Including vanilla Link in releases from now on
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
Step back
- Add the file select pose
- Applied minor glitches involving glove colors
- Step backwards added
- Reorganized poses
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
Fixed an issue with the shield in the bombos animation.
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
- Bumped to 2.0 like it should have been forever ago
- Add new categories for animation list
- Animation list buttons now stay pressed if they're the active animation
- Add auto-check for new versions, with a highlight warning when you're out of date
- New option to crop animated GIFs to only the relevant area
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
Update checker
- Added an update checker that links to ALttPNG releases page.
- Added a link to the ALttPNG wiki.
- Graphical update for frame analysis in step-by-step mode.
- Nothing updated. PNGto4BPP already had a link to the wiki.
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
SpriteAnimator v1.15
- Better sheet trawler
- Moved to new Tools menu
- Added animation breakdowns
- Prettier interface
- Non-Windows file writing fixed (maybe)
- GIFs are now broken down into folders by sprite
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
More things
All programs
- Everything is now released in a single
SpriteAnimator (v1.13)
- Now uses its own folder for resources and writing files.
- Now includes several folders in its directory (these will be created as needed):
- For the new collage feature/CPTrackerImages
- For tracker images used for CrossProduct's tracker and its forks/gifs
- For animations it creates; it will no longer write in a new folder located with the sprite source./VT
- A cache of all sprites currently live on the randomizer website. Use the option under the help menu to refresh this list when a new randomizer version is released (this may take a couple minutes to complete). (Idea shamelessly stolen from KevinCathcart)
- Collage export - A new feature which creates an image strip of the animation. Does its best to only use as much space as it has to. (I'm sorry this took so long, Mike.)
- Play once - A new animation mode that runs an animation once, pausing on the final step
- PNG support - Read an image raw to test animations without converting to a sprite file. As such, palette changes are not supported for
files. - Backgrounds:
- Added Green screen
- Added Agahnim's Tower
- Added World map
- Updated Houlihan to include the telepathic tile
- Added hand cursors for UI buttons
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
- Replaced comboboxes with pretty radio buttons
Other things
- Nothing
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar
- Gloves
- Animations optimized
- Crossproduct tracker images
- Better animation choosing
- Load vanilla Link on start (debugging only)
Other things
- Nothing
You will need the Java Runtime Environment to use these *.jar