go-math is a simple library that provides math functions that support varied types, but makes smart decisions to maximize precision and maintain input types. For example, you can sum a slice of ints and floats.
go-math can be used in scenarios when you do not know the type of the input data a-priori. For example, a sensor might report altitude as an integer or as a float64.
You can import go-math as a library with:
import (
See math in GoDoc for information on how to use Go API.
See the many examples in GoDoc or the tests.
Run test using make test
or (bash scripts/test.sh
), which runs unit tests, go vet
, go vet with shadow
, errcheck, ineffassign, staticcheck, and misspell.
Spatial Current, Inc. is currently accepting pull requests for this repository. We'd love to have your contributions! Please see Contributing.md for how to get started.
This work is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.