To install the SDK first add the below to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "github",
"url": ""
"require": {
"thelogicstudio/exactpayments": "*"
Then run the following command:
composer update
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use TheLogicStudio\ExactPayments;
use TheLogicStudio\ExactPayments\Models\Shared;
use TheLogicStudio\ExactPayments\Models\Operations;
$security = new Shared\Security();
$security->apiKey = '<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>';
$sdk = ExactPayments\ExactPayments::builder()
try {
$request = new Operations\AccountRegisterApplePayDomainsRequest();
$request->accountId = '<value>';
$request->applePayDomains = new Shared\ApplePayDomains();
$request->applePayDomains->domains = ['<value>'];
$response = $sdk->accountManagement->accountRegisterApplePayDomains($request);
if ($response->applePayDomains !== null) {
// handle response
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// handle exception
- accountRegisterApplePayDomains - Register Domain for Apple Pay
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdAccount - List Accounts
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdAccountSearch - Query Accounts
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdAccountAccountId - Retrieve Account by ID
- listApplePayDomains - List Apple Pay Domains
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdAccountAccountId - Update Account by ID
- accountDeleteCustomerCustomerIdPaymentMethodToken - Delete Payment Method Associated with Customer by Token for a given Account
- accountDeleteCustomerId - Delete Customer by ID for a given Account
- accountGetCustomer - Query customers for a given Account (Partner context)
- accountGetCustomerId - Get Customer by ID for a given Account
- accountGetCustomerCustomerIdPaymentMethodToken - Get Payment Method Associated with Customer by Token for a given Account
- accountGetCustomerCustomerIdPayments - Get Customer Payments for a given Account
- accountGetCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod - Get Default Payment Method Associated to a Customer for a given Account
- accountGetCustomerIdPaymentMethod - Query Payment Methods for Customer for a given Account
- accountGetCustomerTokenPaymentMethod - Query Payment Methods for Customer by customer token for a given Account
- accountPostCustomer - Create Customer for a given Account
- accountPostCustomerIdPaymentMethod - Attach Payment Method for a Customer (Partner context)
- accountPutCustomerId - Update Customer by ID for a given Account
- deleteCustomerCustomerIdPaymentMethodToken - Delete Payment Method Associated with Customer by Token
- deleteCustomerId - Delete Customer by ID
- getCustomer - Query customers for a given Account (Sub-merchant context)
- getCustomerId - Get Customer by ID
- getCustomerCustomerIdPaymentMethodToken - Get Payment Method Associated with Customer by Token
- getCustomerCustomerIdPayments - Get Customer Payments
- getCustomerIdPaymentMethod - Query Payment Methods for Customer
- getCustomerTokenPaymentMethod - Query Payment Methods for Customer by customer token
- postCustomer - Create Customer
- postCustomerIdPaymentMethod - Attach Payment Method for a Customer (Sub-merchant context)
- putCustomerId - Update Customer by ID
- getAccountAccountIdOrdersOrderId - Get Order Details
- getOrders - List Orders
- postAccountAccountIdOrdersOrderIdPay - Pay for Order with Token
- postAccountAccountIdOrders - Create Order specifying an account
- postOrders - Create Order
- postOrdersOrderIdAccessToken - Create New Access Token
- putAccountAccountIdOrdersOrderId - Update Order
- putOrdersOrderIdReset - Reset Payment Attempts
- accountDeletePaymentMethod - Delete a Payment Method for a given Account
- accountGetPaymentMethod - Retrieve a Payment Method for a given Account
- accountPostPaymentMethod - Create Payment Method for a given Account
- accountPostVerifyMicrodeposits - Verify micro-deposits on an ACH Payment Method for a given Account
- deletePaymentMethod - Delete a Payment Method
- getPaymentMethod - Retrieve a Payment Method
- postPaymentMethod - Create Payment Method
- postVerifyMicrodeposits - Verify micro-deposits on an ACH Payment Method
- accountCapturePayment - Capture an existing authorization for a given Account
- accountGetPayment - Get details of a specific Payment for a given Account
- accountGetPayments - Get Payments for a given Account
- accountPostPayment - Create Payment for a given Account
- accountRefundPayment - Refund a specific Payment for a given Account
- accountVoidPayment - Void a specific Payment for a given Account
- capturePayment - Capture an existing authorization
- getPayment - Get details of a specific Payment
- getPayments - Get Payments
- postPayment - Create Payment
- refundPayment - Refund a specific payment
- voidPayment - Void a specific Payment
- accountDeleteWebhook - Delete Webhook
- accountDisableWebhook - Disable Webhook
- accountEnableWebhook - Enable Webhook
- accountGetListWebhooks - List Webhooks
- accountGetRetrieveWebhook - Retrieve Webhook
- accountPostCreateWebhook - Create Webhook
- accountUpdateWebhook - Update Webhook
- deleteOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhookWebhookId - Delete Webhook
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhook - List Webhooks
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhookWebhookId - Retrieve Webhook
- postOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhook - Create Webhook
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhookWebhookId - Update Webhook
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhookWebhookIdDisable - Disable Webhook
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdWebhookWebhookIdEnable - Enable Webhook
- createApplicationToken - Create Application Token
- createUserToken - Create User Token
- deleteApplicationToken - Delete Application Token
- queryApplicationToken - Query Application Tokens
- createDocumentRequest - Request Document
- deleteDocumentById - Delete Document
- deleteDocumentRequestById - Delete Document Request
- getDocumentById - Download Document
- getDocuments - List Uploaded Documents
- getDownloadAllDocuments - Download All Documents
- getListDocumentRequests - List Document Requests
- getRetrieveDocument - Retrieve Document
- getRetrieveDocumentRequest - Retrieve Document Request
- listDocumentRequestByToken - List Document Requests by Token
- putUpdateDocumentTypeById - Update Document Type
- updateDocumentRequest - Update Document Request
- uploadDocument - Upload Document
- uploadDocumentByToken - Upload Document using Token
- createOnboarding - Create Onboarding Application
- deleteOnboardingById - Delete Onboarding
- listFilterOptions - List Filter Options
- listMerchantCategoryCodes - List Merchant Category Codes
- listOnboardingByOrganization - List Onboardings by Organization
- listOnboardings - List Onboardings
- retrieveOnboardingById - Retrieve Onboarding
- searchOnboardingByBusinessName - Search Onboarding by Business Name
- searchOnboardingByOrganizationIdAndBusinessName - Search Onboarding by Organization identifier and Business Name
- deleteWorkflowById - Delete Workflow
- disableWorkflowById - Disable Workflow
- enableWorkflowById - Enable Workflow
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingWorkflow - List Workflows
- getOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingWorkflowWorkflowId - Retrieve Workflow
- postOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingWorkflow - Create Workflow
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingWorkflowWorkflowId - Update Workflow
- setDefaultWorkflowById - Set Default Workflow
- getListNotes - List Notes
- postCreateNotes - Add Note
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingOnboardingIdRecheck - Process Workflow
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingOnboardingIdRetryRule - Process Verification
- putOrganizationOrganizationIdOnboardingOnboardingIdStatus - Update Onboarding Status
- deleteReport - Delete Report
- getReport - Download Report
- getReportDetails - Get Report Details
- getReports - List Reports
- getStatus - Retrieve Status
You can override the default server globally by passing a server index to the server_idx: int
optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. The selected server will then be used as the default on the operations that use it. This table lists the indexes associated with the available servers:
# | Server | Variables |
0 | |
None |
1 | |
None |
The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the server_url: str
optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.
While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Feel free to open a PR or a Github issue as a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release!