TwichGram is a Python tool that automates downloading Twitch clips and sending them to a Telegram channel. It also offers an optional server for displaying random clips, perfect for OBS integration during offline moments.
Automatic Clip Download 🎥: Downloads clips from a specified Twitch streamer.
Telegram Integration 📲: Sends downloaded clips to a Telegram channel.
Clip Viewing Server 🌐: Optionally create a server to display random clips.
API Support ⚡️: to handle a Blacklist to prevent show clips with inside bannable words.
Python 3.12
git clone
cd TwichGram---Twitch-To-Telegram-Clips-Tool
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --force-reinstall (check the latest version from here:
Set up your configuration in data/config.json following this legend:
'broadcaster_id': 12345678, # Broadcaster ID is the numeric ID of a Twitch channel (can be retrieved via API)
'broadcaster_name': "twitchstreamername", # Broadcaster name is the username of the Twitch channel
'twitch_client_id': "", # Twitch client ID for API requests
'twitch_client_secret': "", # Twitch client secret for API requests
'clip_fetch_interval': 120, # Interval in seconds to wait before fetching new clips
'app_id': 0, # Telegram app ID (retrieve from
'app_hash': "", # Telegram app hash (retrieve from
'session_name': "clips", # Session name, used to store session Telegram data (advised not to change it)
'telegram_channel_name': "theclips", # Telegram channel name to share clips (needs to be public)
'telegram_bot_token': "", # Telegram bot token (retrieve from BotFather)
'target_chat_ids': [
-123456789 # Telegram chat IDs where to send clips (can be multiple)
'enable_clip_server': True, # Enable or disable the clip server (allows the server to be up or not)
'clip_server_host': '', # Clip server host (use to listen on all interfaces, or set a specific IP like "")
'clip_server_port': 5000, # Clip server port (set a port to listen for HTTP requests)
'' # Pictures to show while loading the video on the server page. Separe it using json syntax.
"webserver_secret_token": "ADDSECRETHERE" # Secret token for WEBSERVER API, Make it complex.
Downloading Clips and Sending to Telegram Ensure your configuration is set up with the necessary Twitch and Telegram credentials.
If enable_clip_server is set to True, the clip server will be automatically started (no https, just http)
Use the server URL in OBS to display random clips.
Telegram message from send_clip_to_telegram function
- /get_blacklisted_clips | GET | Require webserver_secret_token | Show all clips blacklisted.
- /add_to_blacklist | POST | Require webserver_secret_token | Add a slug as json body to add a clip in blacklist.
- /remove_from_blacklist | POST | Require webserver_secret_token | Add a slug as json body to remove a clip in blacklist.
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Feel free to open an issue here on github to keep in touch.