Deployed Site Link:
- Frontend
- State Management: Redux Toolkit
- Libraries: Chakra UI / React Hook Form
- Backend - Firestore Database
- User Auth (Logging in with Google)
- Ability to create Invoices, Read, edit and delete them
- Light & Dark Mode
- Responsive Web Design
(1) In js, empty arrays ARE TRUTHY!! !image
wasted 2hours because i used if(filteredInvoices). This may have worked in python but in js empty arrays are truthy.
(2) Most difficult thing i encountered in this project: trying to get register to output the whole form input as a nested object. As per the image below, i needed to have nested objects for every itemArticle, so that i know which name, total, price and qty is for which. I had serious difficulty trying to google whatever i needed because i could not think of the right phrasing, which led to me wasting quite a significant amount of time. In the end, i aimlessly browsed the documentation for React Hook form and stumbled upon, which allowed me to output it according to what i want.
As you can see, i could not get all the data written on each itemArticle