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Mar 18, 2025
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Electrophysiology analysis package for large-scale electrophysiology

! This package is under heavy development - we'll post here when stable!

This package aims to provide transparent access to the code being used to process and analyse data; the documentation will provide references and (hopefully) a description of what the code is doing in each step.


We typically install spks in environments with other packages so kept dependencies to a minimum


  • numpy - array handling and loading
  • scipy - interpolation and other
  • matplotlib - plotting
  • torch - speed up some tasks
  • pandas - make tables and save files
  • h5py - save dictionaries
  • natsort - sort files
  • tqdm - progress bars
  • joblib - multiprocess pools

Installation for the brave:

  1. clone the repository git clone usually in a separate folder
  2. install dependencies with pip or which ever way you want
  3. go into the newly created spks folder and install with python develop

Install with anaconda in a new environment:

Recommended to avoid interfering with other packages or for users new to python.

  1. install the anaconda python distribution
  2. create a new environment from a terminal conda create -n spks and activate it conda activate spks
  3. install torch in the environment conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia and then install the dependencies conda install pandas h5py natsort tqdm scipy joblib jupyter matplotlib you can use other versions of pytorch depending on which graphics driver is installed. A gpu is not required.
  4. install spks using pip pip install git+