Easy-to-use library for implementing the mediator pattern
Start by installing the mediateur library in your project with the following NPM command:
npm i mediateur
Then define a Message:
// createPerson.ts
import type { Message } from 'mediateur';
export type CreatePerson = Message<'CREATE_PERSON', {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
age: number;
When your message is defined, you can create a dedicated async function to handle it using the MessageHandler type:
// createPerson.handler.ts
import type { MessageHandler } from 'mediateur';
import type { CreatePerson } from './createPerson.ts'
const createPersonHandler: MessageHandler<CreatePerson> = async (message) => {
return Promise.resolve();
Finally, add the handler to the meditor with the register function, then execute the send function by using an instance corresponding to your message:
// app.ts
import { mediator } from 'mediateur';
import { CreatePerson } from './createPerson';
import { createPersonHandler } from 'createPerson.handler';
mediator.register('CREATE_PERSON', createPersonHandler);
(async () => {
const message: CreatePerson = {
data: {
firstName: 'Anthony',
lastName: 'Houston',
email: 'anthony.houston@some-email.com',
age: 30
await mediator.send<CreatePerson>(message);
This example is really basic, there is more to discover in the documentation.
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