Releases: spring-projects/spring-pulsar
Spring Pulsar 0.1.0-M1
#121 Create Milestone release workflow
#95 PHASE 1: Make client authentication simpler
#93 Make sure ref docs show how to use snapshots libs
#92 Update samples to use SB3/SF6
#80 Configurable chunking/batching in PulsarTemplate
#79 Express deadLetterPolicy as a bean on PulsarListener
#78 Provide a way to expose negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff on PulsarListener
#68 Add fluent API for PulsarTemplate
#65 Intermittent CI failures in PulsarMessageListenerContainerTests
#57 Tests are failing when running on M1 Mac
#50 Document config properties
#41 Provide NewTopic functionality
#28 Add support for error handling
#5 Implement topicPattern on PulsarListener
What's Changed
- Remove public from test classes/methods by @eddumelendez in #11
- Add Github workflow for CI PRs by @onobc in #12
- Code cleanup by @sobychacko in #13
- Use Gradle GH action for CI PR workflow by @onobc in #18
- Build cleanup by @sobychacko in #19
- Add initial CI workflow by @onobc in #22
- Minor cleanup and refactoring by @onobc in #24
- Refactor template/producer to not use default topic name by @onobc in #25
- Add caching producer factory by @onobc in #34
- Add test cases to PulsarTemplateTests by @onobc in #38
- [hotfix] Fix README by @alpreu in #39
- Use schema hash in producer cache key by @onobc in #43
- Attempt fix on sporadic consumer listener test by @onobc in #45
- Add required props to published docs by @onobc in #46
- [BUILD] Move all doc tasks to spring-pulsar-docs by @onobc in #47
- [BUILD] Auto-generate configuration properties docs by @onobc in #48
- Implement keyed messages by @alpreu in #44
- [BUILD] Build improvements by @onobc in #52
- Add scripts to run standalone in Docker by @onobc in #54
- Add basic docs by @onobc in #55
- Add spring boot starter module by @onobc in #56
- Bump Pulsar image version to 2.10.1 by @alpreu in #58
- Update Pulsar client to 2.10.1 by @onobc in #60
- Polish reference docs by @onobc in #61
- [DOCS] Move config props to collapsible panels by @onobc in #62
- [DOCS] Support for new Wiki by @onobc in #63
- Add .sdkmanrc with 17.0.4-tem by @eddumelendez in #71
- Followup "GH-41 Add auto-created topics" by @alpreu in #72
- Detect M1 mac in test and substitute container image (#57) by @alpreu in #75
- Add fluent API to PulsarTemplate by @onobc in #74
- Implement topic pattern on PulsarListener (#5) by @alpreu in #77
- Fix documentation sections by @alpreu in #81
- Followup complex schemas by @alpreu in #87
- Fix dead letter tests sharing the same topic by @alpreu in #91
- Introducing experimental consumer error handling by @sobychacko in #100
- Update SB plugin to 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT in sample apps by @onobc in #103
- Add custom tasks to run samples by @onobc in #105
- Add snapshot/milestone dep info to ref docs by @onobc in #106
- More Pulsar Consumer Error handling Changes by @sobychacko in #107
- Test debugging cleanup by @sobychacko in #108
- Use SB/SF milestone libs for M1 release by @onobc in #109
- AckTimeout Redlivery Backoff Changes by @sobychacko in #113
- Use pulsar-client-all jar by @onobc in #114
- Polish client auth config props javadocs by @onobc in #115
- Listener container properties for batch receive. by @sobychacko in #118
- Use enum for PulsarListener subscriptionType by @onobc in #122
- Listener docs cleanup by @sobychacko in #128
- Error Handling Docs by @sobychacko in #129
- [Release 0.1.0-M1] Update version by @onobc in #130
New Contributors
- @eddumelendez made their first contribution in #11
- @onobc made their first contribution in #12
- @sobychacko made their first contribution in #13
- @alpreu made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: