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Releases: spring-projects/spring-pulsar

Spring Pulsar 0.1.0-M1

20 Sep 15:08
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#121 Create Milestone release workflow
#95 PHASE 1: Make client authentication simpler
#93 Make sure ref docs show how to use snapshots libs
#92 Update samples to use SB3/SF6
#80 Configurable chunking/batching in PulsarTemplate
#79 Express deadLetterPolicy as a bean on PulsarListener
#78 Provide a way to expose negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff on PulsarListener
#68 Add fluent API for PulsarTemplate
#65 Intermittent CI failures in PulsarMessageListenerContainerTests
#57 Tests are failing when running on M1 Mac
#50 Document config properties
#41 Provide NewTopic functionality
#28 Add support for error handling
#5 Implement topicPattern on PulsarListener

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