This is an example Vue app.
- assets
- All of icons, images and other things that are needed to show on the page and aren't code.
- components
- Reusable components and other parts of the page that we use on multiple pages
- router
utility folder. All the things needed to Route to other pages
- stores
utility folder. All the things needed to use State Management in our App
- views
- All the pages that we are using in this project
- App.vue
- like
, but also not. Defines the App page default layout
- like
- main.js
- all of the vue and pinia imports. sets-up vue to make it usable.
- style.css
- shapes and colours
- first of all, download the needed dependecies.
- Using NPM
npm i
- Using PNPM
pnpm i
- run it in dev mode
npm run dev