Table implementation for Qt 5 with QtQuick Components 2
QMLTable adds an easy to use and performant table view implementation to QtQuick. Is does not provide as many features as QtQUick Components 1's TableView, but can be used to create simple table views.
QMLTables uses DoxyQML fopr documentation. See
To use QMLTable, simply add the QML files to your project. A basic table definition could look like this:
Item {
Table {
id: table
anchors.fill: parent
model: tableModel
TableColumn {
textRole: "name"
headerText: "Name"
columnWidth: 200
TableColumn {
textRole: "data"
headerText: "Data"
columnWidth: table.headerWidth - 200
ListModel {
id: tableModel
ListElement {
name: "Entry 1"
data: "Some Text"
ListElement {
name: "Entry 2"
data: "More Text"
ListElement {
name: "Entry 3"
data: "Even more text"