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Single polymer chain simulation; linear or circular configuration, optional and adjustable excluded volume force.


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Single Polymer Chain Brownian Dynamics

A Python implementation to simulate single polymer chains using Brownian dynamics. The simulation models beads connected by springs under the influence of Brownian motion, excluded volume effects, and finitely extensible non-linear elastic (FENE) forces.

Physics Background

The simulation is based on the overdamped Langevin equation, which models the motion of particles in a fluid where inertial effects are negligible. The forces acting on each bead include:

  • Brownian/random forces (thermal noise)
  • FENE spring forces between consecutive beads
  • Optional excluded volume forces between beads

The key equation governing the bead motion is:

dx/dt = ∑F/b


  • x is position
  • F represents the sum of forces
  • b is the drag coefficient


  • Simulates both linear and circular polymer chains
  • Configurable number of beads
  • Configurable number of time steps, (N = 2000001 by default but can be changed)
  • Adjustable simulation parameters (time step, spring constants, etc.)
  • Calculates physical properties like:
    • Radius of gyration
    • End-to-end distance
    • Mean square displacement
  • Supports different chain configurations:
    • Ideal chains (no excluded volume)
    • Real chains (with excluded volume)
    • Circular chains (polymer rings)


Bead Class


The Bead class represents a 2D bead with a radius and an initial position in Cartesian coordinates. It includes methods to initialize the bead and calculate forces acting on it.


  • x (float): The 𝑥-coordinate of the bead's center.
  • y (float): The 𝑦-coordinate of the bead's center.
  • r (float): The radius of the bead.


__init__(self, x=0, y=0, r=.04)

Initializes a new instance of the Bead class with the specified position and radius.


  • x (float): Initial 𝑥-coordinate of the bead's center. Default is 0.
  • y (float): Initial 𝑦-coordinate of the bead's center. Default is 0.
  • r (float): Radius of the bead. Default is 0.04.
force_calculate(self, j, jj=None, k=0, k_ev=0, Ls=None, kBT=1, lk=1, conf='linear')

Computes the forces acting on the bead.


  • j (int): Index of the current bead.
  • jj (int, optional): Another index. Default is None.
  • k (float): Spring constant. Default is 0.
  • k_ev (float): Excluded volume interaction constant. Default is 0.
  • Ls (float, optional): Contour length. Default is None
  • kBT (float): Thermal energy. Default is 1.
  • lk (float): Kuhn length. Default is 1.
  • conf (str): Configuration type, either 'linear' or 'circular'. Default is 'linear'.
    • Please note that this parameter only affects a chain of beads and has no barring on an individual bead.
advance(self, Δt, b=1, κ=0)

Advances the bead's position over time based on the sum of forces acting on it, following the overdamped Langevin equation.


  • Δt (float): time step size.
  • b (float): Drag coefficient. Default is 1.
  • κ (float): Spring constant (replaces k to avoid kernel confusion). Default is 0.

Returns: None, but updates:

  • positions_xy: List of (𝑥, 𝑦) coordinates over time
  • all_pos_xy: Global list containing position histories of all beads
  • Updates the bead's position attributes (self.x, self.y)


  1. Initializes with current position
  2. For each time step:
    • Calculates total force using force_calculate
    • Updates position using overdamped Langevin equation
    • Stores new position
  3. Converts position history to numpy array

Example Usage

# Create a new bead with initial position (0, 0)
bead = Bead(x=0, y=0)

# Calculate forces on the bead with index 1

# Advance the bead's position with time step 0.0001
bead.advance(Δt=0.0001, b=1)

Simulation Class


The Simulation class manages the simulation of a Brownian polymer chain consisting of multiple beads. It supports both linear and circular chain configurations.


  • nbeads (int): Number of beads in the polymer chain
  • conf (str): Configuration type ('linear' or 'circular')
  • ψ (float): Initial angle between beads (circular configuration only)
  • ρ (float): Initial radius of circular configuration = (0.09*nbeads)/(2*π)
  • beads (list): List of Bead objects comprising the polymer chain


__init__(self, nbeads, x=0, y=0, conf='linear')

Initializes a new polymer chain simulation.


  • nbeads (int): Number of beads in the chain
  • x (float): Initial 𝑥-coordinate. Default is 0.
  • y (float): Initial 𝑦-coordinate. Default is 0.
  • conf (str): Configuration type ('linear' or 'circular'). Default is 'linear'.

Initialization Process:

  1. Sets up chain configuration
  2. Creates global Brownian forces arrays (Fx_sim, Fy_sim)
  3. Initializes beads with appropriate spacing:
    • Linear: Beads spaced 0.09 units apart horizontally
    • Circular: Beads arranged in a circle with radius ρ
init_bead(self, x=0, y=0)

Creates a new bead instance.


  • x (float): 𝑥-coordinate for the bead. Default is 0.
  • y (float): 𝑦-coordinate for the bead. Default is 0.


  • Bead: A new Bead instance
advance(self, Δt, b=1, κ_ev=0)

Advances the entire polymer chain simulation over time.


  • Δt (float): time step size
  • b (float): Drag coefficient. Default is 1.
  • κ_ev (float): Excluded volume interaction constant. Default is 0.


  • xs, ys: Lists of current bead positions
  • end_to_end: End-to-end distance at each time step
  • Rg2: Radius of gyration squared at each time step
  • all_sim_pos: Position history of all beads


  1. Initializes position tracking arrays
  2. Records initial configuration
  3. For each time step:
    • Updates positions of all beads simultaneously
    • Calculates and stores chain properties (end-to-end distance, radius of gyration)
  4. Resets position trackers after simulation

Example Usage

# Create a linear polymer chain with 10 beads
sim = Simulation(nbeads=10, conf='linear')

# Run simulation with excluded volume interactions
sim.advance(Δt=0.0001, κ_ev=200)

# Create a circular polymer chain
circular_sim = Simulation(nbeads=10, conf='circular')

# Run simulation

Global Variables Affected

  • Fx_sim, Fy_sim: Arrays of random forces
  • xs, ys: Current positions of all beads
  • end_to_end: Chain end-to-end distance history
  • Rg2: Radius of gyration squared history
  • all_sim_pos: Complete position history of all beads


  • Standard simulation parameters:
    • Ls = 1 (contour length)
    • lk = 0.1 (Kuhn length)
    • kBT = 1 (thermal energy)
    • N (number of time steps)
    • Δt (time step size)
      • N and Δt determine the total simulation time and temporal resolution. The smaller Δt is:
        • More accurate simulation (better resolution of the dynamics)
        • But requires more steps (larger N) to simulate the same total time
  • Optimal excluded volume constant (κ_ev) is typically around 200
  • Position updates are synchronized across all beads to maintain chain integrity
  • The simulation uses the overdamped Langevin equation for bead motion


  • 2D simulations only
  • No hydrodynamic interactions
  • Limited to single chain dynamics


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for:

  • New features
  • Documentation improvements
  • Performance optimizations


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Single polymer chain simulation; linear or circular configuration, optional and adjustable excluded volume force.








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