####Link: http://django-library.herokuapp.com/
Technologies: django, python, html, css, less, Java Script, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Git, Heroku, Selenium, django_tables2, fandjango, Google App Engine (by CodeShip)
Date: December, 2014
It is an online interface for a library (with a few social-network features) and allows users to:
- borrow/return books (like in real library) (a few real books are present in the system)
- create circles of friends (like in google+ or facebook) (add to friends and unfriend)
- share with friends books' quotation (in twitter style), borrowed books
- register/# via facebook and webpage
- save quotations from books
There is also group of librarians with additional permissions:
- custom (outside of django admin) CRUD for authors, books' publishers, books etc.
- librarian can mark that book has been returned to library
Front-end is designed using Twitter Bootstrap and filled out with sample data (mostly lorem ipsum). A few animations/effects are programmed using jQuery.
For facebook integration I used facepy and fandjango.
Application is provided with test (basic ones, unittests and selenium).
Data validations is done using (mostly) modelForms.
Books/Authors/Publishers/Users search is made using django_tables2. It allows user to sort results using selected criteria, watch selected amount of entries on page (pagination) etc. I have used user's images generated by gravator.
Exemplary system accounts:
librarian account:
- login: assistant
- pass: 12345
- (do not worry, I have database backup ;))
standard user
- login: user1
- pass: 12345
I intended to document every fragment of code that could be unclear. Enclosed is documentation created by sphinx.
python manage.py runserver
(do not forget to change database settings if you want to run app locally) or simply visit website: http://django-library.herokuapp.com/
Author: Tomasz Potanski, tomasz@potanski.pl