Tool kit that helps you to play with Samza SQL.
Clone apache samza repository and build it by running the following comamnds
# clone samza
cd ~
git clone
# Build samza
cd samza
./gradlew build -PrunIntegrationTests
# Publish the artifacts to local maven repository
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Clone the samza-sql-tools repository and build it
# clone samza-sql-tools
cd ~
git clone
# build samza-sql-tools.
./gradlew clean releaseTarGz
Samza-sql-tools build creates a tar-ball under ~/samza-sql-tools/samza-sql-demo/build/distributions/. Untar it by running the below commands.
cd ~/samza-sql-tools/samza-sql-demo/build/distributions/
tar -xvzf *.tgz
cd samza-sql-demo-<version>
Generate kafka events tool is used to insert avro serialized events into kafka topics. Right now it can insert two types of events PageViewEvent and ProfileChangeEvent
Before you can generate kafka events, Please follow instructions here to start the zookeeper and kafka server on your local machine.
You can follow below instructions on how to use Generate kafka events tool.
# Usage of the tool
usage: Error: Missing required options: t, e
-b,--broker <BROKER> Kafka broker endpoint Default (localhost:9092).
-n,--numEvents <NUM_EVENTS> Number of events to be produced,
Default - Produces events continuously every second.
-p,--partitions <NUM_PARTITIONS> Number of partitions in the topic,
Default (4).
-t,--topic <TOPIC_NAME> Name of the topic to write events to.
-e,--eventtype <EVENT_TYPE> Type of the event values can be (PageView|ProfileChange).
# Example command to generate 100 events of type PageViewEvent into topic named PageViewStream
./scripts/ -t PageViewStream -e PageView -n 100
# Example command to generate ProfileChange events continuously into topic named ProfileChangeStream
./scripts/ -t ProfileChangeStream -e ProfileChange
Please run the below command to start generating events that will be used by the Samza SQL demo
./scripts/ -t ProfileChangeStream -e ProfileChange
Once you generated the events into the kafka topic. Now you can use samza-sql-console tool to perform processing on the events published into the kafka topic.
There are two ways to use the tool -
- You can either pass the sql statement directly to the tool.
- You can write the sql statement(s) into a file and pass the sql file as an argument to the tool.
Second option allows you to execute multiple sql statements, whereas the first one lets you execute one at a time.
Samza SQL needs all the events in the topic to be uniform schema. And it also needs access to the schema corresponding to the events in a topic. Typically in an organization, there is a deployment of schema registry which maps topics to schemas.
In the absence of schema registry, Samza SQL console tool uses the convention to identify the schemas associated with the topic. If the topic name has string "page" it assumes the topic has PageViewEvents else ProfileChangeEvents.
# Usage of the tool
usage: Error: One of the (f or s) options needs to be set
-f,--file <SQL_FILE> Path to the SQL file to execute.
-s,--sql <SQL_STMT> SQL statement to execute.
# Example command to filter out all the users who have moved to LinkedIn
./scripts/ --sql "Insert into log.consoleOutput select Name, OldCompany from kafka.ProfileChangeStream where NewCompany = 'LinkedIn'"
You can run below sql commands using Samza sql console. Please make sure you are running generate-kafka-events tool to generate events into ProfileChangeStream before running the below command.
./scripts/ --sql "Insert into log.consoleOutput select Name, OldCompany from kafka.ProfileChangeStream where NewCompany = 'LinkedIn'"
This tool lets you consume events from the Microsoft EventHubs stream. This tool assumes that the payload of the events is String.
# Usage of the tool
usage: Error: Missing required options: e, n, k, t
-e,--ehname <EVENTHUB_NAME> Name of the event hub.
-k,--key <KEY_NAME> Name of the key.
-n,--namespace <EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE> Namespace of the event hub.
-t,--token <TOKEN> Token corresponding to the key.
# Example command to consume from an event hub
./scripts/ -e OutputStream -n srinieh1 -k <SasKeyName> -t <SasToken>
You can use intellij for developing. You can build the intellij project files by running
./gradlew idea
Once the intellij project files (*.ipr) are created, You can open them using Intellij and Start developing.
Contributions are accepted in the form of pull requests, please use this on how to submit the pull request.
Before you submit the pull request, ensure that your changes in your fork builds and tests run with the latest changes from upstream. To sync the changes from the main repository into your fork you can follow the instructions here