This is a mini version of AIMS for Lambda
There are 3 types of users: Students, Professors, Administrators.
- Students can register for courses that are available and active but not yet graded.
- Students can unregister for courses that they have enrolled in and not been graded.
- Students can view the courses that they have taken and their grades (See 'N' for courses that have not yet been graded).
- Professors can grade the courses that they instruct.
- View all the couses that the institution offers.
- Add new courses.
- Remove existing courses that are not running currently.
I have coded this project in php and there is no client side code. All the code is server side. I have hosted this code on an AWS Server and my own domain ( I have used MySQL as the database server.
Some of the Credentials for the website are:
- Username: srynsh (student) Password: 123
- Username: mnsh (student) Password: 123
- Username: dvid (professor) Password: 123
- Username: adm (admin) Password: a123