QUERIES (HTTP) https://gateway-arbitrum.network.thegraph.com/api/[api-key]/subgraphs/id/7WgM7jRzoW7yiJCE8DMEwCxtN3KLisYrVVShuAL2Kz4N
QUERIES (HTTP) https://gateway.thegraph.com/api/[api-key]/subgraphs/id/FRK5vEJXX9w5Pt3nqeqGRX5s7k29AWCb7aXTfDwT6S8j
WEB + QUERIES (HTTP) https://api.goldsky.com/api/public/project_cm2v16o5ct0ql01vr3m5o0vt2/subgraphs/stability-subgraph/0.0.12/gn
Queries (HTTP): https://api.studio.thegraph.com/query/72279/stability-sonic/v0.0.16
Follow these steps to prepare and deploy a subgraph across multiple networks:
- Run the prepare command with the target network. Example:
yarn prepare matic
- Execute the following commands to reset and prepare the subgraph:
yarn clean && yarn codegen && yarn build
- Authenticate with
graph auth --studio <key>
- Deploy with
graph deploy <name>
orgoldsky subgraph deploy stability-sonic/<version> --path .
- Add to networks.json
- Add to functions.ts
- Add to constants.ts