This framework is released as an opensource project using the MIT License.
Mirage is a powerful and modular framework dedicated to the security analysis of wireless communications. It currently provides :
- multiple lightweight and hackable wireless protocol stacks (e.g. Bluetooth Low Energy, Enhanced ShockBurst, WiFi, Zigbee ...)
- multiple highly customizable offensive modules (e.g. Man-in-the-Middle, sniffing, jamming, hijacking, cloning ...)
- mutiple modules dedicated to information gathering (e.g. applicative layers dumping, scanning ...)
- a chaining operator allowing to easily combine attack modules in order to build complex attack workflows
- support of multiple devices, such as HCI devices, Crazy Radio PA, RZUSBStick, BTLEJack, Nordic and Ubertooth sniffers
- an user-friendly development environment allowing to easily write new modules or customize existing ones
- Documentation:
- Documentation (sphinx source code):
- Mirage can manipulate IR signals using an opensource hardware called IRma, the schematics and firmware source code can be found here:
- Mirage can use a custom BTLEJack firmware for the BBC Micro:Bit, adding some specific features for manipulating advertisements:
The original BTLEJack firmware, written by Damien Cauquil, is available on github :
- BTLEJack:
- BTLEJack firmware: