I'm a life long learner who's curious by nature. As someone who values collaboration and transparency - it should come as no shock that I'm super passionate about open source and the still to be realized potential of web3. Additionally you shoud know I'm going to do something as different as me with my Github profile - instead of pinning all of the projects I've created while upskilling SQL and Python - I'm going to live my values and elevate devs and their OS tools that are integral to my process. Plus some other stuff. π½
Special shout out to: CemTurk Sequence Funny AsifRashid01
My more conventional tech stack: Gong Outreach.io Notion OpenAi Salesforce Looker Sailthru
And the languages I've learned using CodeCademy: SQL Python
Currently Learning: sui via MetaSchool & YCombinator's StartUp School curriculmn