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Merge pull request #235 from stan-dev/bc_ppc_loo_overlay
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Boundary corrected KDE values and flag: ppc_loo_pit_overlay()
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jgabry authored Oct 23, 2020
2 parents 036f7c5 + a649e20 commit 8786298
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Showing 6 changed files with 324 additions and 62 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Authors@R: c(person("Jonah", "Gabry", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "jsg2201@c
person("Paul-Christian", "Bürkner", role = "ctb"),
person("Martin", "Modrák", role = "ctb"),
person("Malcolm", "Barrett", role = "ctb"),
person("Frank", "Weber", role = "ctb"))
person("Frank", "Weber", role = "ctb"),
person("Eduardo", "Coronado Sroka", role = "ctb"))
Maintainer: Jonah Gabry <>
Description: Plotting functions for posterior analysis, MCMC diagnostics,
prior and posterior predictive checks, and other visualizations
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ export(ppc_intervals_grouped)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,11 @@

* `mcmc_areas()` tries to use less blank vertical blank space. (#218, #230)

* `ppc_loo_pit_overlay()` now uses a boundary correction for an improved kernel
density estimation. The new argument `boundary_correction` defaults to TRUE but
can be set to FALSE to recover the old version of the plot. (#171, #235,

# bayesplot 1.7.2

Expand Down
322 changes: 267 additions & 55 deletions R/ppc-loo.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,79 +119,176 @@ NULL
#' quantiles.
#' @param trim Passed to [ggplot2::stat_density()].
#' @template args-density-controls
#' @param boundary_correction For `ppc_loo_pit_overlay()`, when set to `TRUE`
#' (the default) the function will compute boundary corrected density values
#' via convolution and a Gaussian filter, also known as the reflection method
#' (Boneva et al., 1971). As a result, parameters controlling the standard
#' kernel density estimation such as `adjust`, `kernel` and `n_dens` are
#' ignored. NOTE: The current implementation only works well for continuous
#' observations.
#' @param grid_len For `ppc_loo_pit_overlay()`, when `boundary_correction` is
#' set to `TRUE` this parameter specifies the number of points used to
#' generate the estimations. This is set to 512 by default.
#' @references Boneva, L. I., Kendall, D., & Stefanov, I. (1971). Spline
#' transformations: Three new diagnostic aids for the statistical
#' data-analyst. *J. R. Stat. Soc. B* (Methodological), 33(1), 1-71.
ppc_loo_pit_overlay <- function(y,
samples = 100,
pit = NULL,
samples = 100,
size = 0.25,
alpha = 0.7,
trim = FALSE,
boundary_correction = TRUE,
grid_len = 512,
bw = "nrd0",
trim = FALSE,
adjust = 1,
kernel = "gaussian",
n_dens = 1024) {

if (!missing(pit)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(pit), is_vector_or_1Darray(pit))
inform("'pit' specified so ignoring 'y','yrep','lw' if specified.")
} else {
y <- validate_y(y)
yrep <- validate_yrep(yrep, y)
stopifnot(identical(dim(yrep), dim(lw)))
pit <- rstantools::loo_pit(object = yrep, y = y, lw = lw)
data <-
y = y,
yrep = yrep,
lw = lw,
pit = pit,
samples = samples,
bw = bw,
boundary_correction = boundary_correction,
grid_len = grid_len

if (all(data$value[data$is_y] %in% 0:1)) {
"This plot is not recommended for binary data. ",
"For plots that are more suitable see ",
call. = FALSE

unifs <- matrix(runif(length(pit) * samples), nrow = samples)
if (boundary_correction) {
message("NOTE: Current boundary correction implementation works for continuous observations only.")

data <- ppc_data(pit, unifs)
p <- ggplot(data) +
aes_(x = ~ x, y = ~ value) +
aes_(group = ~ rep_id, color = "yrep"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, !.data$is_y),
alpha = alpha,
size = size,
na.rm = TRUE) +
aes_(color = "y"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, .data$is_y),
size = 1,
lineend = "round",
na.rm = TRUE) +
limits = c(0, 1),
expand = expansion(0, 0.01),
breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.25),
labels = c("0", "0.25", "0.5", "0.75", "1")

ggplot(data) +
aes_(x = ~ value) +
aes_(group = ~ rep_id, color = "yrep"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, !.data$is_y),
geom = "line",
position = "identity",
size = size,
alpha = alpha,
trim = trim,
bw = bw,
adjust = adjust,
kernel = kernel,
n = n_dens,
na.rm = TRUE) +
aes_(color = "y"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, .data$is_y),
geom = "line",
position = "identity",
lineend = "round",
size = 1,
trim = trim,
bw = bw,
adjust = adjust,
kernel = kernel,
n = n_dens,
na.rm = TRUE) +
scale_color_ppc_dist(labels = c("PIT", "Unif")) +
limits = c(.1, .9),
expand = expansion(0, 0),
breaks = seq(from = .1, to = .9, by = .2)) +
limits = c(0, NA),
expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .25))) +
bayesplot_theme_get() +
yaxis_title(FALSE) +
xaxis_title(FALSE) +
yaxis_text(FALSE) +
} else {
p <- ggplot(data) +
aes_(x = ~ value) +
aes_(group = ~ rep_id, color = "yrep"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, !.data$is_y),
geom = "line",
position = "identity",
size = size,
alpha = alpha,
trim = trim,
bw = bw,
adjust = adjust,
kernel = kernel,
n = n_dens,
na.rm = TRUE) +
aes_(color = "y"),
data = function(x) dplyr::filter(x, .data$is_y),
geom = "line",
position = "identity",
lineend = "round",
size = 1,
trim = trim,
bw = bw,
adjust = adjust,
kernel = kernel,
n = n_dens,
na.rm = TRUE) +
limits = c(0.05, 0.95),
expand = expansion(0, 0),
breaks = seq(from = .1, to = .9, by = .2)

p +
scale_color_ppc_dist(labels = c("PIT", "Unif")) +
limits = c(0, NA),
expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .25))
) +
bayesplot_theme_get() +
yaxis_title(FALSE) +
xaxis_title(FALSE) +
yaxis_text(FALSE) +

#' @rdname PPC-loo
#' @export
ppc_loo_pit_data <-
pit = NULL,
samples = 100,
bw = "nrd0",
boundary_correction = TRUE,
grid_len = 512) {
if (!is.null(pit)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(pit), is_vector_or_1Darray(pit))
inform("'pit' specified so ignoring 'y','yrep','lw' if specified.")
} else {
y <- validate_y(y)
yrep <- validate_yrep(yrep, y)
stopifnot(identical(dim(yrep), dim(lw)))
pit <- rstantools::loo_pit(object = yrep, y = y, lw = lw)

if (!boundary_correction) {
unifs <- matrix(runif(length(pit) * samples), nrow = samples)
data <- ppc_data(pit, unifs)
} else {
unifs <- matrix(runif(grid_len * samples), nrow = samples)
ref_list <- .ref_kde_correction(unifs, bw = bw, grid_len = grid_len)
pit_list <- .kde_correction(pit, bw = bw, grid_len = grid_len)

pit <- pit_list$bc_pvals
unifs <- ref_list$unifs
xs <- c(pit_list$xs, ref_list$xs)

data <-
ppc_data(pit, unifs) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$rep_id) %>%
mutate(x = xs)

#' @rdname PPC-loo
#' @export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,3 +555,118 @@ ppc_loo_ribbon <-

## Boundary correction based on code by ArViz development team
# The main method is a 1-D density estimation for linear data with
# convolution with a Gaussian filter.

# Based on scipy.signal.gaussian formula
.gaussian <- function(N, bw){
n <- seq(0, N -1) - (N - 1)/2
sigma = 2 * bw * bw
w = exp(-n^2 / sigma)


.linear_convolution <- function(x,
# 1-D Gaussian estimation via
# convolution of a Gaussian filter and the binned relative freqs
bin_width <- grid_breaks[2] - grid_breaks[1]
f <- grid_counts / bin_width / length(x)
bw <- bw / bin_width

# number of data points to generate for gaussian filter
gauss_n <- as.integer(bw * 2 *pi)
if (gauss_n == 0){
gauss_n = 1

# Generate Gaussian filter vector
kernel <- .gaussian(gauss_n, bw)
npad <- as.integer(grid_len / 5)

# Reflection method (i.e. get first N and last N points to pad vector)
f <- c(rev(f[1:(npad)]),
rev(f)[(grid_len - npad):(grid_len - 1)])

# Convolution: Gaussian filter + reflection method (pading) works as an
# averaging moving window based on a Gaussian density which takes care
# of the density boundary values near 0 and 1.
bc_pvals <- stats::filter(f,
method = 'convolution',
sides = 2)[(npad + 1):(npad + grid_len)]

bc_pvals <- bc_pvals / (bw * (2 * pi)^0.5)

.kde_correction <- function(x,
# Generate boundary corrected values via a linear convolution using a
# 1-D Gaussian window filter. This method uses the "reflection method"
# to estimate these pvalues and helps speed up the code
if (any(is.infinite(x))){
warning(paste("Ignored", sum(is.infinite(x)),
"Non-finite PIT values are invalid for KDE boundary correction method"))
x <- x[is.finite(x)]

if (grid_len < 100){
grid_len = 100

# Get relative frequency boundaries and counts for input vector
bins <- seq(from= min(x), to = max(x), length.out = grid_len + 1)
hist_obj <- hist(x, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)
grid_breaks <- hist_obj$breaks
grid_counts <- hist_obj$counts

# Compute bandwidth based on use specification
bw <- density(x, bw = bw)$bw

# 1-D Convolution
bc_pvals <- .linear_convolution(x, bw, grid_counts, grid_breaks, grid_len)

# Generate vector of x-axis values for plotting based on binned relative freqs
n_breaks <- length(grid_breaks)

xs <- (grid_breaks[2:n_breaks] + grid_breaks[1:(n_breaks - 1)]) / 2

first_nonNA <- head(which(!,1)
last_nonNA <- tail(which(!,1)
bc_pvals[1:first_nonNA] <- bc_pvals[first_nonNA]
bc_pvals[last_nonNA:length(bc_pvals)] <- bc_pvals[last_nonNA]

return(list(xs = xs, bc_pvals = bc_pvals))

# Wrapper function to generate runif reference lines based on
# .kde_correction()
.ref_kde_correction <- function(unifs, bw, grid_len){

# Allocate memory
idx <- seq(from = 1,
to = ncol(unifs)*nrow(unifs) + ncol(unifs),
by = ncol(unifs))
idx <- c(idx, ncol(unifs)*nrow(unifs))
xs <- rep(0, ncol(unifs)*nrow(unifs))
bc_mat <- matrix(0, nrow(unifs), ncol(unifs))

# Generate boundary corrected reference values
for (i in 1:nrow(unifs)){
bc_list <- .kde_correction(unifs[i,],
bw = bw,
grid_len = grid_len)
bc_mat[i,] <- bc_list$bc_pvals
xs[idx[i]:(idx[i+1]-1)] <- bc_list$xs

return(list(xs = xs, unifs = bc_mat))

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