A curated list of awesome things related to Statamic
Statamic is a flat-first CMS to help designers and developers build better, easier to manage websites. It's built on Laravel and Vue.js, has an incredible and active developer community, and has been on the block since 2012.
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- Website - statamic.com
- Statamic 3 News - v3.statamic.com
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- Site Showcase - builtwithstatamic.com
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. - Videos - Find videos and screencast series on learning Statamic.
– Configure Statamic 3 to use Digital Ocean's Spaces for your asset container by Ben Furfie2020-05-31
- Using queues and Envoyer to manage Statamic sites on load balanced servers by Ben Furfie2020-05-29
- Using Statamic as a CMS alongside a Laravel app by Elliot Raison2020-05-23
- Using GitHub's Gists for embedded code blocks on your Statamic v3 site by Owen Conti2020-05-23
- Statamic 3 Resources & Tips by Clarity Squared2020-05-06
- How to customize the Statamic login and control panel by Jonas Siewertsen2020-04-14
- Building a Likes addon in Statamic 32020-02-27
- Responsive images with Statamic, Tailwind and Glide by Rob de Kort2020-02-23
- Statamic 3 hosting with Laravel Forge by Jonas Siewertsen2020-01-22
- Getting Statamic 3 running locally on a Mac2020-01-19
- Setting up for Statamic addon development by Duncan McClean2020-01-14
- How to test Statamic tags by Jonas Siewertsen2020-01-11
- How I am setting up my test suite for a Statamic addon by Jonas Siewertsen2020-01-07
- Rethink everything: The process behind the relaunch of digital SPIEGEL by Der SPIEGEL (German)2019-10-22
- Fathom loves Statamic - by Paul Jarvis2019-09-16
- Deploying a Statamic site to Netlify by Rias Van der Veken2019-08-26
- Why I Moved from WordPress to Statamic2019-08-19
- iPadOS Shortcuts for Publishing with Statamic2019-08-16
- Moving to Statamic from WordPress by Dave Smyth2019-08-16
- Adding an Edit Link to the Frontend of a Statamic Theme2019-07-31
- Creating a Statamic site helper for Laravel Mix by Rias Van der Veken2019-03-12
- Statamic Als Alternatief Voor Wordpress by Rob de Kort2019-02-15
- What is Statamic and Why Should We Care? - by HairyLemon2019-02-14
- How do I update my website? Content management is fast and easy with [us] by Will of MonkeySource2019-02-12
- Self Hosted Wordpress Alternatives: Statamic by Matt Shaw2018-12-20
- Pink Palm Trees and Clever Copy by Straightforward Meg2018-11-21
- Live weather data using a simple database and Statamic CMS by Series Eight2018-10-26
- I Have a New Website (and why I went with Statamic) by Justin Jackson2018-09-12
- Deploying Statamic with Envoyer.io by Steven Grant/Zaengle2018-09-12
- Why and how you should use Tailwind to build your next Statamic theme by Simon Hamp2018-08-29
- How to setup PHPStorm for Statamic Antlers by Bryan Garrant2018-08-29
- How to Setup Multi-Day Events with a Daily Schedule in Statamic by Bryan Garrant2018-08-29
- How to automatically generate a Sitemap XML file using Statamic CMS by Bryan Garrant2018-08-29
- Bootstrap 4 Navbar with Statamic 2.x CMS by Bryan Garrant2018-08-29
- How to Setup Cron Task to Git Commit Statamic Changes Hourly on cPanel Server by Bryan Garrant2018-08-29
- How to setup Statamic above document root on cPanel with Git by Bryan Garrant2018-08-02
- Using Digital Ocean Spaces and KeyCDN within Statamic by Nat Hobson2018-06-04
- Adios Datenbanken by Florian Strauß (German)2018-05-23
- Replicate Advanced Custom Fields' Page Link field in Statamic by Ben Furfie2018-05-22
- How to output SVGs as code in Statamic's Antlers templating language by Ben Furfie2018-05-21
- How to control the type of files that can be uploaded in Statamic via the assets fieldtype by Ben Furfie2018-05-18
- Getting focal point to work on background images when using Statamic's glide functionality by Ben Furfie2018-05-18
- How to strip (some) markdown markup from a tag in Statamic by Ben Furfie2018-05-08
- How to change Statamic's please CLI tool to work on just please by Ben Furfie2018-03-26
- The Perfect CMS for Ultimate Control by Mark Edwards/HostPresto2018-03-09
- Build a membership site with Statamic by Jamie Dumont2018-02-22
- Statamic's "Bard" Is an Elegant-Looking Approach to Content Management by Jason Morehead/Opuszine2017-08-17
- Exclude current entry from collection list in Statamic by Ben Furfie2017-05-11
- Integrating E-Commerce on Statamic by Charles Ouellet/Snipcart2017-07-23
- Rebuilding Stillat.com by John Koster2016-04-27
- Statamic v2 on Laravel by Jesse Schutt/Zaengle
Articles before 2016 were for Statamic v1. There were 4 years of them, but let's be honest — they're just not relevant anymore.
- Use Statamic 3 CMS as a static site generator and deploy to Netlify by Justin Jackson
- Generating a static site with Statamic v3 and deploying on Netlify by Owen Conti
- Programming idiot trying to install Statamic by Justin Jackson
- Statamic Screencasts by Team Statamic
- Installing and Deployment Strategies by Curtis McHale
- Statamic CLI - Install and manage Statamic from the command line
- Statamic Docker - Get started playing with Statamic in a few command lines with Docker.
A curated list of known good (and not so good) web hosts.
- Knowing Your Audience, Making Mistakes, and # Products (Statamic) vs Services with Jack McDade on Live in the Feast2019-09-04
- Creating a Memorable Product with Jack McDade of Statamic on Bright & Early2019-05-13
- Flat is Beautiful: Statamic 3 with Jack McDade on devMode.fm2018-05-02
- Jack McDade on Statamic, Digital Products, Crypto, and CrossFit on The Strong Web2017-03-30
- Content Workflows for Statamic with Jack McDade on Ctrl+ClickCast