A library for dealing with anomalies when using aws-api. Provides helpers to turn anomalies into Clojure ExceptionInfo objects or into failjure Failure objects.
Add to deps.edn:
io.staticweb/aws-api-failjure {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}
Or add to project.clj:
[io.staticweb/aws-api-failjure "1.1.0"]
Create clients as you normally would using aws-api. This example requires you to have a com.cognitect.aws/s3
dependency, but you can replace {:api :s3}
with any other API that you have the dependency for.
(require '[aws-api-failjure :as aaf]
'[cognitect.aws.client.api :as aws]
'[failjure.core :as f])
(def client (aws/client {:api :s3}))
Use aws-api-failjure/invoke
in place of aws-api's invoke
to turn unsuccessful operations into Failure objects for use with failjure:
(f/if-let-ok? [r (aaf/invoke client ,,,op-map,,,)]
(prn "Request failed:" (f/message r)))
Use aws-api-failjure/throwing-invoke
to turn unsuccessful operations into clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo objects:
(aaf/throwing-invoke client ,,,op-map,,,)
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(prn "Request failed:" (:message (ex-data e)))))
(ex-data e)
is a map containing the keys :client :message :op-map :result
You can also use aws-api's invoke normally, check for the presence of :cognitect.anomalies/category
, and use aws-api-failjure/message
to retrieve a human-readable error message.
(let [result (aws/invoke client ,,,op-map,,,)]
(if (:cognitect.anomalies/category result)
(prn "Request failed:" (aaf/message result))