RubyRegex is a nice collection of regular expressions in Ruby
RubyRegex::Url RubyRegex::Domain RubyRegex::Email RubyRegex::Username RubyRegex::USSocialSecurity RubyRegex::GeneralPostalCode RubyRegex::ZIPCode RubyRegex::CreditCard RubyRegex::MasterCard RubyRegex::Visa RubyRegex::TwitterUsername RubyRegex::DeliciousUsername RubyRegex::SlideshareUsername RubyRegex::GithubUsername RubyRegex::UUID RubyRegex::DBDate RubyRegex::DBDatetime RubyRegex::SpanishBankAccountNumber RubyRegex::Dni
Add to your Gemfile gem 'ruby_regex' In the models validates_format_of :email, :with => RubyRegex::Email
Of course, contributions will be apreciated.
If you want to contribute send me a pull request with new regular expressions (and their tests) or send me an email with your desired regular expression to
RubyRegex is released under the MIT-License and is Copyright ©2010 Emili Parreño.