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Stefan Devai edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Basic tutorial

WARNING: Textyle is still in early development, therefore this tutorial aims to provide a basic overview on the current functionalities. The general workflow might change a bit in the future, you are more than welcome to contribute with the code or open an issue if you find any bug :)


Here are the current tools from left to right:

  1. Default Tool: No behavior currently, but in the future will handle selection.
  2. Pencil Tool: Click to draw freely or Right Click to erase.
  3. Eraser Tool: Click to erase single tiles.
  4. Bucket Tool: Click to fill a large area with a single tile type.
  5. Pan Tool: Drag to move the camera around the scene.
  6. Magnify Tool: Zoom in on click and zoom out on Alt + click.

Opening a tileset

  1. Click on the "Tiles" button on the left navigation bar.
  2. Click on "Add Tileset" button under the "Tileset" tab.
  3. Select a file from your computer.

Tile Dimensions

  1. Click on the gear icon just under your tileset.
  2. Select the new dimensions for your tiles.
  3. Click update.

Creating a layer

  1. Click on the "plus" icon under the "Layers" tab.

Layer Settings

  1. Click on the "gear" icon under the "Layers" tab.
  2. Select your new tile dimensions for this layer.
  3. Click Update.


  1. Click on the "Export" button on the left navigation bar.
  2. Select your desired export format.
  3. Click export.
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