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My Dotfiles


Hi! These are my dotfiles that I use every day, primarily the terminal. If you find something interesting, go ahead and take whatever you want from my dotfiles.

It is managed using yadm, a dotfile manager. This makes it simple to set up a new computer with these files. In order to set up a new system with these dotfiles, do the following:

Getting Started

First of all you need yadm, this can be installed on macOS via homebrew or on Linux via the package manager of your choice.


Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install tools with Homebrew

brew bundle install --file=.Brewfile

Install tools on ArchLinux

xargs pacman -S --needed --noconfirm < [.pacmanfile](./.pacmanfile)

Clone dotfiles with yadm

$ yadm clone
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /steinbrueckri/.config/yadm/repo.git/
remote: Enumerating objects: 295, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (283/283), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (133/133), done.
remote: Total 295 (delta 119), reused 282 (delta 118), pack-reused 12
Receiving objects: 100% (295/295), 183.96 KiB | 399.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (120/120), done.
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
Executing /steinbrueckri/.config/yadm/bootstrap


Equipment list


Device Class Vendor Model
Keyboard Nuphy Air60 V2
Keyboard Case Nuphy NuFolio V3
Powerbank Anker 737 Powerbank aka PowerCore 24K
Mobile Router GL.iNet GL-XE300 (Puli)
Backpack Peak Design Everyday Backpack
Tech Pouch Peak Design Field Pouch V2


Device Class Vendor Model
Desk BoHo-Moebel Premium Line with oak table top
Desk Shelf Balolo Setup Cockpit
Chaire HÅG Capisco 8020
Desk Lamp Dyson Solarcycle Morph
Monitor Apple Studio Display
Keyboard Kinesis Advantage360
Mouse Kensington Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball
Headphones Apple AirPods Max


As my main device i use Macbook Pro 2021 ...

$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -v "UDID\|UUID\|Serial"

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,4
      Model Number: Z15K0004WD/A
      Chip: Apple M1 Max
      Total Number of Cores: 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency)
      Memory: 32 GB
      System Firmware Version: 8419.80.7
      OS Loader Version: 8419.80.7
      Activation Lock Status: Disabled

As Keyboard i use a Kinesis Advantage360 with the blank keycap set from Kinesis kc360-bk and my Keyboard layouts and macros for it can be found in steinbrueckri/Adv360-Pro.

Keyboard NOTE: Picture need a update 😆

Key mappings and Aliases

My vim leader key is and the tmux leader is . The following table is generate by ChatGPT so its maybe a lie. ;)

nvim Keybindings

Keybinding Mode Command
jk i <esc>
< v <gv
> v >gv
<leader>tq n toggleQf
]q n :cnext<CR>
[q n :cprev<CR>
gF n :e <cfile><CR>
<Esc> n :noh<CR>
<leader><Up> n :wincmd k<CR>
<leader><Down> n :wincmd j<CR>
<leader><Left> n :wincmd h<CR>
<leader><Right> n :wincmd l<CR>
<Tab> n :bn<CR>
<S-Tab> n :bp<CR>
Z n :Telescope spell_suggest<CR>
U n :redo<CR>
<leader>dd n :bd<CR>
<leader>dm n :delmarks A-Z0-9<CR>:lua require("notify")("Delete all marks")<CR>
n n nzzzv
N n Nzzzv
p v "_dP
<leader>q n :bdelete<CR>
<leader>Q n :bd!<CR>
<leader>e n :Neotree toggle<CR>
<leader>A n :Alpha<CR>
<leader>h n :split<CR>
<leader>v n :vsplit<CR>
<leader>w n :w<CR>
<leader>N n :enew<CR>
<leader>fa n :Telescope live_grep<CR>
<leader>fc n :lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({cwd = vim.fn.stdpath("config")})<CR>
<leader>ff n :lua require"telescope.builtin".find_files({ find_command = {"rg","--files","--hidden","-g","!.git"}})<CR>
<leader>fe n :Telescope emoji<CR>
<leader>fr n :lua require("spectre").open()<CR>
<leader>fp n :Telescope yank_history<CR>
<leader>fB n :Telescope git_branches<CR>
<leader>fo n :Telescope oldfiles<CR>
<leader>fb n :Telescope buffers<CR>
<leader>fu n :Telescope undo<CR>
<leader>fk n :Telescope keymaps<CR>
<leader>fh n :Telescope harpoon marks<CR>
<leader>ft n :TodoTelescope keywords=TODO,FIX,FIXME,BUG<CR>
<leader>ga n :Git add %<CR>
<leader>gA n :Git add .<CR>
<leader>gb n :Gitsigns blame_line<CR>
<leader>gd n :DiffviewOpen<CR>
<leader>gD n :DiffviewClose<CR>
<leader>gg n :OpenInGHFileLines<CR>
<leader>gY n :Git yolo<CR>
<leader>gn n :Neogit<CR>
<leader>gl n :!tmux split-window -Z -c "$PWD" lazygit<CR>
<leader>gf n :!fork status $PWD<CR><CR>
<leader>nn n :ObsidianToday<CR>
<leader>nr n :ObsidianRename<CR>
<leader>nf n :ObsidianSearch<CR>
<leader>tc n :ColorizerToggle<CR>
<leader>td n :DBUIToggle<CR>
<leader>to n :SymbolsOutline<CR>
<leader>ts n :Screenkey toggle<CR>
<leader>tS n :set spell!<CR>
<leader>tw n <cmd>set wrap!<CR>
<leader>tn n :set relativenumber!<CR>
<leader>tm n :MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR>
<leader>tR n :set norelativenumber!<CR>
<leader>tr n :TroubleToggle<CR>
<leader>ha n :lua require("harpoon.mark").add_file()<CR>:lua vim.notify("Add file to list", "info", {title = "Harpoon"})<CR>
<leader>hh n :lua require("harpoon.ui").toggle_quick_menu()<CR>
<leader>hn n :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_next()<CR>
<leader>hp n :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_prev()<CR>

tmux Keybindings

Keybinding Command
C-a send-prefix
_ split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
- split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
h switch -t home
u switch -t userlike
C new
y set-window-option synchronize-panes; display-message "synchronize-panes is now #{?pane_synchronized,on,off}"
v copy-mode
p paste-buffer
r source-file ~/.tmux.conf; display-message "Reload config! 🔁"

Fish Aliases

Alias Command
vim nvim
vi nvim
v nvim
n nvim
nvim-switch-nightly bob use nightly
nvim-switch-stable bob use stable
lg lazygit
lgd lazydot
lazydot lazygit -ucd ~/.local/share/yadm/lazygit -w ~ -g ~/.local/share/yadm/repo.git
kx kubectx
k kubectl
kc kubecolor
kn kubens
k-debug kubectl run --namespace default -i --tty 'debug-default-$USER' --image=steinbrueckri/debug --restart=Never --rm=true -- bash
k-debug-app kubectl run --namespace istio-apps -i --tty 'debug-$USER' --image=steinbrueckri/debug --restart=Never --rm=true -- bash
newpyenv PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv --python 3.11 && echo '{ "venvPath": ".", "venv": ".venv" }' > pyrightconfig.json && source .venv/bin/
activate_env_datacenter source ~/Userlike/UserlikeDatacenter/.venv/bin/
activate_env_code source ~/Userlike/Userlike/.venv/bin/
gcpil gcloud compute instances list
gcpal gcloud compute addresses list
gcpssh gcloud compute ssh
gcpsshi gcloud compute ssh --internal-ip
gcpsshiap gcloud compute ssh --tunnel-through-iap
gcprdpiap gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel $1 3389 --local-host-port=localhost:3389 --zone=$2
do doctl
do-new doctl compute droplet create tmp --region ams3 --size s-2vcpu-2gb --image ubuntu-22-04-x64 --user-data-file .dotfileassets/digitalocean-cloudinit.yaml --ssh-keys "df:17:95:8d:31:56:39:27:d1:04:e3:12:52:36:ed:5b"
do-new-ssh ssh $(doctl compute droplet list
localvm multipass launch -c 4 -m 4G -d 50G -n localvm 20.04 --cloud-init .dotfileassets/multipass-common.yaml
dr docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh
rm-images docker rmi (docker images -q)
tssh tsh ssh (tsh ls
pwgen date +%s
lol git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate
cat bat
hosts hosts --auto-sudo
ls eza --icons
top btop
watch viddy
myip curl -s -H "Accept: application/json"
ag rg
tailscale /Applications/
history atuin search -i


Here’s a glimpse of my terminal and setup:



Dotfile Testing

Tests are managed using Docker and Bats. To run tests, execute the following:

  • make

The default make target will build a Docker image from the .Dockerfile and run test cases using Bats found in .tests.

Missing features

Here are some planned improvements for future versions:

  • Testing with multiple Neovim versions
  • Testing across various Linux distributions
  • Testing on macOS


My personal configuration files and scripts.







No releases published


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Contributors 3

