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Compile dll under Windows with Visual Studio 2008 Express

ottelo edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 12 revisions

Visual Studio 2008 Express method:

Steps to built Win32 version of Libmodbus: 0. Get Visual Studio 2008 from,2088.html (iso) and mount it or burn it + install!

  1. Download the "" from "" and extract the zip file.
  2. Go to the folder libmodbus-master\src\win32 click on "configure.js"
  3. now you got configure.h and the project files in the folder and some extra files.
  4. open solution file in the win32 folder. If you use upper version than 2008 you need to upgrade the project so you have your project opened.
  5. download "msinttypes" from eg. (zip contains stdint.h and inttypes.h)
  6. extract it to D:\include\msvc_std\ OR adjust the path in vs2008 project properties->C/C++->Allgemein-> Includeverzeichnisse!!
  7. now it should be built and you got two files: modbus.lib; modbus.dll
  8. run a test program in test folder.

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