CA11 is open-source software for WebRTC-based calling, messaging and file exchange. The main purpose of CA11 is to provide an accessible and transparent communication infrastructure, without the need for centralized platforms. CA11 tries to unite with other efforts that bring transparency and privacy to mobile communication. This means that it doesn't try to fit into the existing mobile ecosystem, but instead aspires to create synergy with other open mobile projects like Plasma mobile, the Librem 5 and the Pinephone.
The project pragmatically piggybacks on existing Web technologies(WebRTC, WebCrypto) where feasible, and focusses instead on user experience and decentralization of the signalling infrastructure. The reference implementation of the User Interface and signalling service are webbased and in JavaScript, which keeps it lightweight to develop. The PWA uses a protocol-agnostic call abstraction that can deal with multiple signalling mechanisms. SIP is supported through SIP.js and a WebRTC-compatible SIP backend(Asterisk).
CA11 also comes with its own signalling service(SIG11), which uses assymetric encryption to establish P2P DTLS-SRTP connections over an untrusted overlay network. While still being extremely experimental, this approach has some promising characteristics:
- Uses standardized cryptography (WebCrypto)
- ECDHE - Secure AES key exchange
- E2E encrypted signalling & message authenticity
- Flexible client-side message routing
- Phonenumber lookup through public keys
- P2P WebRTC
- Media flows directly between peers
- High quality audio and video(OPUS/VP9)
- Standardized, industry-grade E2E encryption
CA11 comes with a Docker setup that launches the following supporting services:
- NGINX to proxy HTTP and Websocket traffic
- Asterisk to make calls over SIP networks
- Coturn TURN/STUN service to negotiate P2P connections
- PostgreSQL Database to persist Tower/SIP interaction
Node.js version 13 or higher is required. This manual uses Docker to setup a development environment. Use the content of the docker directory as a starting point for a manual installation.
Clone the project and install dependencies
npm i -g gulp yarn git clone cd ca11 yarn cp .ca11rc.example .ca11rc yarn bootstrap yarn build
Generate developer certificates and a Certificate Authority to use SSL on a local domain:
cd ca11/docker/nginx/ssl ./ ./ ./
Manually import the development CA
sudo ./
This shellscript only works on Archlinux at the moment. PRs welcome!
Add local hostname lookup for the default domains:
sudo echo "" >> /etc/hosts sudo echo "" >> /etc/hosts sudo echo "" >> /etc/hosts
Setup Asterisk database
cd ca11/docker docker-compose up docker exec -w /root/asterisk/contrib/ast-db-manage -it asterisk alembic -c config.ini upgrade head psql -U asterisk -h asterisk < postgres/sig11_asterisk.sql # default pw is 'ca11ftw'
Start the SIG11 tower service
node packages/tower/src/index.js
Make sure you restart your browser, in order for the SSL certificate to refresh. Open and start your phone. Call one of the SIP testnumbers in contacts to see if the stack works as expected.
No audio device found.
Sorry, CA11 requires a webcam currently.
SIG11 calls don't work
At the moment, the SIG11 protocol is not ready for usage yet.