View/edit/share Dresden Files character sheets online. Use the hosted version at, or set up your own instance!
- Node.js v0.10 or greater
- Various npm packages (just run 'npm install')
$ git clone
$ npm install
- Copy config.sample.json to config.json.
- Open config.json in your favorite text editor.
- Set the server's listen port, cookie secret, and origin URL.
Create a MySQL database and privileged user for ToonStore.
mariadb> CREATE USER 'tsuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; mariadb> CREATE DATABASE 'toonstore'; mariadb> GRANT ALL ON toonstore.* TO 'tsuser'@'localhost';
Add the MySQL login information to config.json.
Import the sample database dump toonstore.sql.
user@localhost:~$ mysql -u tsuser -p toonstore < toonstore.sql Enter password: *********
$ node src/app.js
$ chrome http://localhost:3001/