Please don't spoil the problems for yourself!
These problems are fun. If you haven't solved them, go try them out first. You're missing out. If you have solved them, welcome. There is plenty of value in reading another person's code. I've taken a little time to make my solutions presentable with the hope that they might serve as a resource for others seeking to compare approaches.
Also, at the time of this posting, the project euler website is down. My code could be used as a tempory substitute for the projecteuler solution threads, or as a way to validate an answer.
And yes, I'm blatantly ignoring Project Euler's request that solutions not be posted publicly. These solutions have already been posted many times, so I'm not revealing the solutions so much as I am revealing my coding style. I'll limit myself to the first 99 problems. For the hardest problems, there's already a thread or PE that isn't bloated with bad code.