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Steven Thewissen edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 4 revisions

Want to break out of that square/rectangular box? Give shapes a try! These create all sorts of wacky new options for your views, from triangles all the way up to hexagons and beyond. PancakeView can do it all.

How to use

To get started with using shapes we need to set the Sides property to an instance of a PancakeView. This creates a symmetrical shape with the given amount of sides. To rotate the shape around you can use the OffsetAngle property.

Using plain XAML

<yummy:PancakeView OffsetAngle="45" Sides="6">
    <Label Text="This is just a happy little label." />

Property reference

Property What it does Default
OffsetAngle The rotation of the shape 0
Sides The number of sides to your shape. 4

Platform support

Property iOS Android UWP WPF macOS Tizen
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