The website provides complete charts and statistics for De Tijdloze, an annual "best songs of all time" list from Belgian radio station Studio Brussel. When the chart was first aired in 1987, the list contained 100 songs. However, in recent years, the list has grown to over 2000 songs, with many new songs that need to be added to the database every year. This raises the need to automate the process of adding new songs to the database as much as possible.
Studio Brussel usually publishes the playlist of the chart in a plain text format that is similar to this:
3 Pink Floyd Wish you were here
2 Fleetwood Mac The chain
1 Pearl Jam Black
However, in order to add such songs to the
database, more information is needed about every song, including:
- The album on which the song first appeared, including release year
- The nationality of the artist
- The Spotify identifier of the song
Initially, the admin interface for used the Spotify API to extract this data automatically, where possible. However, there is also an open music database called MusicBrainz, with data that is much more complete and accurate. Moreover, once a song, album or artist is matched with the MusicBrainz database, it becomes much easier to retrieve additional data from other databases (e.g. Wikidata).
However, querying the relevant information from MusicBrainz is not a trivial task. While MusicBrainz does offer an API, retrieving all the relevant data would require a large number of API calls, even for a single song. Replicating the full Musicbrainz database, and doing queries directly on that Postgres database, offer more flexibility, but requires a huge amount of disk space (ca. 100 GB), and still the queries can be complex and inefficient. The final solution is to do a significant amount of preprocessing on the MusicBrainz database, creating new tables in a structure that is optimized for the use case, and filled with only the relevant data. These new tables allow for efficient querying, while the total disk space required is only around 4 GB. This repository contains all the code and instructions required to reproduce this " MusicBrainz dataset".
The most relevant data types from the MusicBrainz database are artists, release groups, releases, recordings and works. As an example:
- The artist Nirvana has a release group Nevermind.
- In the database, the MusicBrainz release group would correspond to an album. However, in the Musicbrainz database, a single release group can have many different releases, with each their own track listing (e.g. different bonus tracks, special editions, ...), format (CD, vinyl, ...), release date (different release dates in different countries, anniversary editions, ...), etc.
- A song such as Smells Like Teen Spirit is a work in the MusicBrainz database. Usually, there exist many different recordings of a work (early demo version, album version, live recordings, covers by different artists). Often, a single recording can be identified as the "canonical recording" for that work, that is: the recording that you expect to be played on the radio when you request that song (e.g. Smell Like Teen Spirit).
- In some rare cases, a single work might appear divided into several tracks on most releases of the canonical release group (e.g. Shine On You Crazy Diamond on Wish You Were Here). Conversely, sometimes a single recording might contain several works (e.g. TODO).
- Singles will also appear as their own release group (e.g. Smells Like Teen Spirit).
MusicBrainz also releases some "canonical" data, including for each recording a reference to "the most canonical version of that recording, often the version that appears on the first album where it was released." However, the way this "canonical data" is constructed is not very transparent, and we've found that there are too many cases where the chosen recording in this dataset does not match the requirements for our use case.
The dataset is generated as follows:
- Iterate over all artists that are either from Belgium, or have more than 8 URLs linked to them (other artists are ignored, as it is very unlikely that they will have an entry in any Tijdloze chart).
- Iterate over all official release groups that are credited to that artist, and establish which recordings have this release group as their "canonical" release group, taking into account considerations such as the following:
- A song might have appeared as a single with a release year that is one year before the corresponding album release. However, we would still consider this song to have first appeared on the album, and not as a stand-alone single release (as we would do when the difference in release date is more than one year).
- Similarly, compilation albums take a lower priority compared to studio albums, though it is still possible that a song was really first released on a compilation album (e.g. Nothing Really Ends on No More Loud Music: The Singles).
- When an explicit "single from" relation exists in the MusicBrainz database between two release groups (the single and the corresponding album), then this is a strong indication that this is the correct "canonical" relationship. However, some relevant songs were never released as a single, and even for those that were, the "single from" relation is not always present in the MusicBrainz database.
- For every recording that was encountered, export the id of the identified canonical release group, as well as all other relevant data, including a score (based on the number of released that this recording appears on) that can later be used to identify the most relevant recording matching a given query.
Later on, when the dataset is used for querying, such as e.g. in the API, the following considerations should be taken into account:
- Artist and songs should also be found when misspelled or under alternative names.
- Only the more relevant matching recording should be considered, ignoring for example live recordings (unless the query explicitly states that we are looking for a live recording) or lesser known recordings (e.g. early demo versions) as identified using the score that is contained in the dataset. When several recordings are sufficiently relevant, then the one with the earliest release date should be returned.
Create a replication of Musicbrainz database, following the instructions from the musicbrainz-docker repository.
We recommend executing these steps on a Virtual machine. For example, on AWS, you could launch a t2.large
EC2 instance with Ubuntu Linux 24.04 with a 100 GB root volume (cost: ca. 0.12 USD per hour).
Below is a summary of the minimal required steps. More details and other options can be found in the README of the musicbrainz-docker repository.
Install the required dependencies from the musicbrainz-docker
, plus Python and a PostgreSQL client (unless you want to generate the dataset from a different machine).
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get -y install docker-compose-v2 git postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-16 python3-pip python3-venv && \
sudo systemctl enable --now docker.service
Note: on Ubuntu 24.04, install docker-compose-v2
(as in the command above) instead of docker-compose
(as instructed in the official README). Also, execute all Docker Compose commands using docker compose
instead of docker-compose
(space instead of hyphen).
git clone
git clone
cd musicbrainz-docker
Change configuration to "mirror database only":
admin/configure with alt-db-only-mirror
Optionally, give more memory to the database by creating a file local/compose/memory-settings.yml
version: '3.1'
# Description: Customize memory settings
command: postgres -c "shared_buffers=6GB" -c ""
and then running
admin/configure add local/compose/memory-settings.yml
Make sure not to ask for more memory than what is available on the system, or the Postgres Docker container will fail to start.
Publish the Postgres port in the Docker container by running:
admin/configure add publishing-db-port
If you want to open up the Postgres database to the internet (e.g. you are setting up the database on an EC2 VM, but you want to access it using a database tool such as DBeaver on your local laptop), then follow steps below.
- Set a strong password for the Postgres user by modifying the file
. - When using EC2, change the "Security group" configuration for your EC2 instance on the AWS console, adding an inbound rule allowing traffic on the Postgres port (5432).
sudo docker compose build
This takes ca. 2 minutes.
sudo docker compose run --rm musicbrainz -fetch
After executing this command, you will be asked to confirm whether you are planning to use the Musicbrainz dump for commercial purposes or not. After that, the loading of the database dump will take ca. 75 minutes (on the recommended EC2 instance).
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-client-common postgresql-client
Navigate to the clone of this repository:
cd ../tijdloze-musicbrainz
Create a new schema musicbrainz_export
in the database, by executing the commands from sql/0_set_default_schema.sql.
psql -h localhost -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/0_set_default_schema.sql
Create a mapping from the more fine-grained Musicbrainz area_id
values to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes used in the database, by executing the commands from sql/1_area_id_country_id.sql.
psql -h localhost -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/1_area_id_country_id.sql
Create the schema for the tables mb_artist
, mb_artist_alias
, mb_album
, mb_song
and mb_song_alias
that will be exported to the database, by executing the commands from sql/2_export_tables.sql.
psql -h localhost -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/2_export_tables.sql
Fill the mb_artist
and mb_artist_alias
tables with data, by executing the commands from sql/3_artist_data.sql and sql/4_artist_alias_data.sql.
psql -h localhost -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/3_artist_data.sql
psql -h localhost -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/4_artist_alias_data.sql
Run the Python script that fill the mb_album
and mb_song
tables with data.
Create a virtual environment and install the Python dependencies:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a file .env
with the following contents, modifying the values where necessary:
Execute the
python src/
Executing the script will take ca. 8 hours using the recommended EC2 instance.
Fill the mb_song_alias
table with data, by executing the commands from sql/5_song_alias_data.sql.
psql -U musicbrainz -d musicbrainz_db < sql/5_song_alias_data.sql
Executing the query will take ca. 12 minutes using the recommended EC2 instance.
pg_dump -U musicbrainz -h --format=c -t musicbrainz_export.mb_artist musicbrainz_db > mb_artist.dump
pg_dump -U musicbrainz -h --format=c -t musicbrainz_export.mb_artist_alias musicbrainz_db > mb_artist_alias.dump
pg_dump -U musicbrainz -h --format=c -t musicbrainz_export.mb_album musicbrainz_db > mb_album.dump
pg_dump -U musicbrainz -h --format=c -t musicbrainz_export.mb_song musicbrainz_db > mb_song.dump
pg_dump -U musicbrainz -h --format=c -t musicbrainz_export.mb_song_alias musicbrainz_db > mb_song_alias.dump
- the database is named
and already has a schema namedmusicbrainz_export
- the host is
- the role for the import is
, with password authentication - the role that should own the tables is
pg_restore -h -d tijdloze -U postgres -W --no-owner --role=tijdloze < mb_artist.dump
pg_restore -h -d tijdloze -U postgres -W --no-owner --role=tijdloze < mb_artist_alias.dump
pg_restore -h -d tijdloze -U postgres -W --no-owner --role=tijdloze < mb_album.dump
pg_restore -h -d tijdloze -U postgres -W --no-owner --role=tijdloze < mb_song.dump
pg_restore -h -d tijdloze -U postgres -W --no-owner --role=tijdloze < mb_song_alias.dump
song.title, as "album_id", album.title as "album_title", album.release_year, album.musicbrainz_id, as "artist_id", as "artist_name", artist.country_id as "artist_country_id", artist.musicbrainz_id as "artist_musicbrainz_id", as "artist2_id", as "artist2_name", artist2.country_id as "artist2_country_id", artist2.musicbrainz_id as "artist2_musicbrainz_id"
FROM song
JOIN album ON = song.album_id
JOIN artist ON = song.artist_id
LEFT JOIN artist AS artist2 ON = song.second_artist_id