Ucanto UCAN RPC in Golang.
go get github.com/storacha/go-ucanto
package main
import (
// service URL & DID
serviceURL, _ := url.Parse("https://up.web3.storage")
servicePrincipal, _ := did.Parse("did:web:web3.storage")
// HTTP transport and CAR encoding
channel := http.NewHTTPChannel(serviceURL)
conn, _ := client.NewConnection(servicePrincipal, channel)
// private key to sign UCANs with
priv, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("path/to/private.key")
signer, _ := ed25519.Parse(priv)
audience := servicePrincipal
type StoreAddCaveats struct {
Link ipld.Link
Size int
func (c StoreAddCaveats) ToIPLD() (datamodel.Node, error) {
return ipld.WrapWithRecovery(&c, StoreAddType())
func StoreAddType() ipldschema.Type {
ts, _ := ipldprime.LoadSchemaBytes([]byte(`
type StoreAdd struct {
link Link
size Int
return ts.TypeByName("StoreAdd")
capability := ucan.NewCapability(
// create invocation(s) to perform a task with granted capabilities
inv, _ := invocation.Invoke(signer, audience, capability, delegation.WithProofs(...))
invocations := []invocation.Invocation{inv}
// send the invocation(s) to the service
resp, _ := client.Execute(invocations, conn)
// define datamodels for ok and error outcome
type OkModel struct {
Status string
type ErrModel struct {
Message string
// create new receipt reader, passing the IPLD schema for the result and the
// ok and error types
reader, _ := receipt.NewReceiptReader[OkModel, ErrModel]([]byte(`
type Result union {
| Ok "ok"
| Err "error"
} representation keyed
type Ok struct {
status String
type Err struct {
message String
// get the receipt link for the invocation from the response
rcptlnk, _ := resp.Get(invocations[0].Link())
// read the receipt for the invocation from the response
rcpt, _ := reader.Read(rcptlnk, res.Blocks())
package main
import (
type TestEcho struct {
Echo string
func (c TestEcho) ToIPLD() (ipld.Node, error) {
return ipld.WrapWithRecovery(&c, EchoType())
func EchoType() ipldschema.Type {
ts, _ := ipldprime.LoadSchemaBytes([]byte(`
type TestEcho struct {
echo String
return ts.TypeByName("TestEcho")
func createServer(signer principal.Signer) (server.ServerView, error) {
// Capability definition(s)
testecho := validator.NewCapability(
schema.Struct[TestEcho](EchoType(), nil),
return server.NewServer(
// Handler definitions
func(cap ucan.Capability[TestEcho], inv invocation.Invocation, ctx server.InvocationContext) (TestEcho, receipt.Effects, error) {
return TestEcho{Echo: cap.Nb().Echo}, nil, nil
func main() {
signer, _ := ed25519.Generate()
server, _ := createServer(signer)
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
res, _ := server.Request(uhttp.NewHTTPRequest(r.Body, r.Header))
for key, vals := range res.Headers() {
for _, v := range vals {
w.Header().Add(key, v)
if res.Status() != 0 {
io.Copy(w, res.Body())
listener, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
port := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
fmt.Printf("{\"id\":\"%s\",\"url\":\"\"}\n", signer.DID().String(), port)
http.Serve(listener, nil)
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Dual-licensed under MIT + Apache 2.0