IMPORTANT works only with python 2.x atm
Provide a way to trigger a build and to see the latest result from the command-line interface. Example :
$ commit-gate -v 1.32 build Triggering a new build for pierrehenri.toussaint-1.32 -> Build #2903 (http://ci:8080/jenkins/job/REAKTOR_commit-gate/2903/) is RUNNING. Test failures : 0. Started 0s ago. Build #2903 (http://ci:8080/jenkins/job/REAKTOR_commit-gate/2903/) is RUNNING. Test failures : 0. Started 60s ago. Build #2903 (http://ci:8080/jenkins/job/REAKTOR_commit-gate/2903/) is RUNNING. Test failures : 0. Started 120s ago.
$ commit-gate -version 1.32 status Status: FAILURE Url: http://ci:8080/jenkins/job/REAKTOR_commit-gate/2806/ Test count: 2912 Test failures: 121 Failure: com.bookpac.server.test.catalog.ConvertRetailPriceIT Failure: com.bookpac.server.test.catalog.ConvertRetailPriceIT Failure: com.bookpac.server.test.content.generic.ContentStatisticIT ...
on most UNIX-like systems, you'll probably need to run the following `install` commands as root or by using sudo
sudo pip install git+
Write the following configuration in ~/ :
[main] jenkins_url = http://ci:8080/jenkins job_name = REAKTOR_commit-gate source_base_name = YOUR_USER_NAME target_base_name = reaktor master_name = dev
If pip is not present on your system :
sudo apt-get install python-pip
commit-gate -h