This module contains entities, artifacts, rituals that are in the public domain, as statted by the Cthulhu Eternal team, over at Also available in PDF, for PWYW, on DriveThruRPG here.
- all entities
- all rituals
- all artifacts
- all tomes
Requires Foundry 12 and the Delta Green module.
Use this as a manifest to install the module:
All content presented on this page is freely re-usable under an open license.
All text is published under the Wizards of the Coast Open Game License (OGL) v1.0a. Click here for a copy of the full OGL license relating to this material. Everything on this page is considered “Open Game Content” under the terms of this license, and can be freely re-used in any publication that is similarly released under OGL v1.0a. No text is considered Product Identity.
Original art assets (icons, drawings of Mythos creatures, etc) are all supplied under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license, and can be freely re-used under the terms of that license.
Using original art from the Open Mythos project, with permission. Art released under Creative Commons by original artists.
- Azathoth by Brad Hicks
- Cthulhu by Brad Hicks
- Father Dagon by Brad Hicks
- Mother Hydra by Brad Hicks
- Elder Thing by Brad Hicks
- Great Race of Yith by Brad Hicks
- Bhole by Brad Hicks
- Moon Beast by Brad Hicks
- Night-gaunt by Brad Hicks
- Haunter in the Dark by Brad Hicks
- Rat Thing by Lola Valola
- Resurrected Abomination by Tayna Rezunenko
- Shoggoth by Brad Hicks
- Shub-Niggurath by Brad Hicks
- Spider From Leng by Brad Hicks
- Star Spawn by Brad Hicks
- Yog-Sothoth by Brad Hicks
Also using Game Icons, under CC BY 3.0.