Tutorials showcasing various capabilities of Libra
Working with version v4.8.1
- Rigid body
- Integrators
- Linear Algebra
- Optimization
- Electronic Structure Calculations in Libra
5.1. Extended Huckel Theory, EHT
- 5.1.1. Compact version
- 5.1.2. Detailed version
5.2. Incomplete Neglect of Differential Overlap, INDO
- 5.2.1. Compact version
- Dynamics with Libra
6.1. Quantum-classical, trajectory methods
- 6.1.1. Model, adiabatic MD
- NVE ensemble
- NVT ensemble
- 1 electronic state
- 6.1.2. Model, common approach to adiabatic, Ehrenfest, and TSH
- 6.1.3. Model, Ehrenfest recipes
- 6.1.1. Model, adiabatic MD
6.2. Quantum-classical, neglect-of-back-reaction trajectory workflows
- 6.2.1. step 1 with DFTB+
- 6.2.2. step 1 with QE
- 6.2.3. step 2 with QE
- 6.2.4. step 3
- build_SD_basis
- Special Functions
- Create a chemical system
- EHT calculations with Libra
- INDO calculations with Libra
- Compute .cube files from orbitals computed with Libra
- Visualize the MOs from .cube files
- Compute pDOS from built-in electronic structure calculations in Libra
- Plot pDOS computed with Libra
- Visualize MD trajectory with py3Dmol:
- Constructing the vibronic Hamiltonian from the QE MD calculations:
- Reading the vibronic Hamiltonian data files to obtain its properties:
- Compute the time-averaged nonadiabatic couplings of the vibronic Hamiltonian:
- Manually construct a Slater Determinant basis:
- Using Libra to auto-generate a Slater Determinant basis:
- Compute the energies and nonadiabatic couplings in the SD basis:
- Calculate population and coherence dynamics of a quantum system embedded in a bath
- Calculate absorbance spectral lineshapes of a quantum system embedded in a bath
5.1.1. -